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One of those rare animations where epic can't be overused in describing it. :) The way they rage, beneath dark and thunderous skies, with a strange symphony that sometimes moves almost into glamrock... so awesome. And yet it all ends with that strange melancholy, characters that could've been best friends enraged and estranged in battle, and yet the journey moves on, across beautiful and desolate lands.

The time really shows. Amazing work.


Was expecting the final line to be something like: but your hair's purple. :P That monologue on goth coolness though lmao... good stuff. It's really all in the script work huh.

No demons though. Slightly disappointed.


Fascinating how fascinated you can get at a glitched thing like this... styles really went totally out of whack towards the end there, appreciative cameos by some similar legends...

This was great. First bit a feelgood/fun part. Second an existential trip and then... a wave of somewhat welcome wonky wackiness that ends in an unwanted but still... somewhat suitable way. The journey's over, time to sit and spin a bit...

Good stuff.


I guess this a promo for those beats? XD Doesn't make much sense otherwise, it did look like she was doing what she was supposed to there... but I love the animation. So atmospheric and expressive. Reminds me of the Studio Ghibli stuff. So fluent.

Good stuff.


STANNco responds:

no promo. Just had enough of her shit

Field trips really were the shizzle... have some vague memories about some bowling trip too but it surely can't have been as eventful as this one, as usual... good stuff.

Also Eric's probably either the sickest dude right now, or the one with the best immune system ever. That's how you build one after all...


So 2014 was the year it all went digital... curious, do you miss the shift? Do you enjoy the digital methods more, or is it just easier like this?

Twas a fun glimpse into history here, not too long either, and a little real stopmotion to stop it all off. Even though them characters don't actually move at all there...

Happy Tenth again! Fun to see.

Most fish pretty much only eat other fish though, parents eat their kids, friends eat their fiends, you wouldn't think they''d react so strongly to these particular diet choices. :) Unnatural fish responses set aside though... was that you outside the door? Super hard to stop the video on that one frame.

Good stuff too. All in them reactions.


I do find it somewhat weird that it takes an apocalyptic episode to get him into an episode, yes... indeed it's not all so bad after all though. Maybe time for one of those in-depth rants on some of the pros and cons with this self-isolation? Potential for a surveillance state? There's a lot of places this could lead...


That cricket lol... also digging that fallen heroine selection there, they really had class back in the day...

It's been a while since I saw one of these! Still seems to be going true to tradition, VA work, sound effects and all. Have you been on a hiatus from the show I wonder, or just from NG? Good to see you're back in any case. Happy Friday!


threebrain responds:

Tanks. Ya' dems was classy broads back den. Yeah I was in jail for a while. 7 counts of indecent exposure. But Jimmy Pee don't wear no shorts!

A movie with a moral. :) Silver Soup looks a bit like that old dude from DBZ hmm... and I guess soap doesn't always help after all huh? Good one though.

Was curious about the reporter name btw, seemed like it could've been Swedish, wonder if there's any reference there? Good short.


Nesteaboy99 responds:

Nah, just came up with some random name haha thank you for your review!

Bamboo Shoots!

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