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Always appreciate a good (or any kind really) cliche Scooby Doo throwback, cut out speech bits from possibly notable movies and Pokemon due battle! And if Tom Fulp was really involved in this... . :) Wonder if anyone's ever asked him for say a VA cameo in something like this hmm? Anyway I'll definitely real pay. Good stuff.

Been fun to follow these and hopefully I'll actually catch up on all the ones I've yet to actually follow. May the blammer perish before next season comes around; looking forward to what y'all might get cookin' then.


Anonymous-Frog responds:

Not too late. I'm going to do a recut of Frog Flood with all the episodes and new scenes in between. I'll take that into consideration.

Really wasn't expecting this watership to spaceship move now! :D Nice.

Enjoying the Daft Punk-like music, the spacey designs, the simple but solid end pun... all good stuff except maybe D.Va Clock's voice sounds a little masculine. :P But then again clocks hmm, maybe normal norms don't really apply here...


Sounds like a business idea if I ever saw one! XD


Was just going to say I can't really make sense of this one but... that's the way it's supposed to be huh! XD Animation'wise it's good, audio-wise a little hard to pick up all the dialog. Somewhat better mic maybe required there?

Solid first though! Keep it up.


Just noticed it almost looks like Pliz-E actually blinks within his eyes, like the eyeballs and glasses are the same... anyway this was great. Common pastime turned thoroughly entertaining thanks to the one and only!

Didn't even realize what a genius title this one had btw! Nice one.


I guess that cat's still left huh... looking forward to whatever potentially extraordinarily exciting resolution is maybe yet to come! Potentially involving SquidSect and Octopus and maybe a Screwdriver again cause the rhythm of regular mortality is totally off the characters with this one.!

And that's the real red book huh. Has it been all along? True story?

Good stuff.


UFOclock... or UFOClock, ufoClock, UFO-Clock, how was that stylized again? Wouldn't he technically be a UFC btw? Anyway he sure lands some fiery resolve there...

Hype for the next one...


lol. Imagine this in full-fledged non-animatic form now ara ara? Good stuff.


Frank Wurst. XD I think I need to research that reference...

Was going to say regarding the intro commentary isn't this the final fantasy already, but a final fantasy WITH Final Fantasy no less?! Can't get much better than that.

Apart from the-clock-in-the-trenchcoat's attack bar not resetting after the sword attack and such (second time watching I was initially pretty impressed by how well you timed each battle move too) this was pretty much flawless. Good atmosphere, good soundtrack, surplus puns and entertainment, and it feels like maybe there's a series here I've yet to catch up on hmm...

Potential contender to this year's epic ThorClock Takes Over franchise I've thus far been missing out on almost entirely. Nice work maybe taking over the take over; nice finale.


Anonymous-Frog responds:

Thank you for your enthusiastic review kind sir. I just want to point a few things out.

'Frank Wurst. XD I think I need to research that reference'
- Frank Wurst is a character in the Anonymous Frog series who steals sandwiches, who now got jacked. Further information can be found on the Anonymous Frog Wiki

'Apart from the-clock-in-the-trenchcoat's attack bar not resetting after the sword attack'
- Mr. Inclocknito is a master swordsman. I didn't do that on purpose, just a happy little accident, so let's just say he doesn't have a cooldown.

'Potential contender to this year's epic ThorClock Takes Over franchise I've thus far been missing out on almost entirely.'
- ThorClock Takes Over was for last year's Flood, this year he did 'ThorClock Breaks Free', but stopped at the 6th episode.

lmao. XD So simple, so random, so entertaining still...


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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