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Genius. XD Alright the show must go on, onto the on one...

Tigers are pretty cute too huh.


Somewhere along the line, between the first part of this and this part, I think I lost the red thread completely... but still cain't wait for the next bit. That seminar was something else too. And hype-inducing end like no other. Rob & Pop must go... to the next level?


Aaand I bet he changed his mind after that! :D Nice one.

Happy Valentine!


Happy Belated Valentine. :)

Feels like there are probably more ones than these ones but well-enacted! Rushed one was particularly nice. XD

Feelgood stuff.


Guess Germaine might've had something to do with this one not staying in the series so long after... wouldn't have minded seeing more of her though! And good puns.


Foamy always been ahead of the game. :) Still feel like the overly outlined eyes do make him seem preeetty angry, even if he's not, even if he's more so openly contemplative for the sake of self-betterment as he is here, mostly... you really get a different impression if you watch this or just listen to it.

Good stuff though.


The only thing this seems to be missing is a story. It feels like more like a small bit of a bigger thing. You don't know why they're there. You don't know what the revenge is all about. I watched it a few times to see if I can really find those clues within this but... it feels like there may be backstory not included. A bit to abstract if it is meant to be standalone.

What's amazing though is the quality. Fluent. Clear. Symbolic. Eye on the horizon and all... this is magnificent in so many ways, just a little lacking in substance.


aggimajera responds:

That abstraction was intentional, as I’d intended to briefly display that two Spetsnaz were killed, and two more got revenge for them. Perhaps it was a little *too simple. I’ll be sure to try to alleviate that in my next project. Thank you for your honesty!

lmao. XD Voted five as you said! But then I had to review this and give a fair score cause this is just what I do and all so...

Glad to see y'all friends all get together like this too! Should do more logos. As a designer this is really my shizzle and: good fun.


DVa-Clock responds:

Logo collab was a BAD idea

The one with the most goosebump-inducing parts so far. :) Great watch again.

Imagine if these always came out at such a pace too, feels strange to get two of these within just the span of one or two weeks now. XD

Great work again all!


Mejson responds:

Yes, the best released, so far :P Although I think Reduce 2 - Summary is awesome! :P Also has its own amazing atmosphere :)

Hehehe, I would like to 'publish' animations so quickly :P I guess I would have to be 11 clones so that I could publish an animation every month XD

Thanks! Always nice!

ChordC responds:

Well, Mejson is just one person, so it takes 'quite' a lot of time for new animations XD. It is impressive how he can still upload animations, even though he is occupied with a job at the same time.

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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