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Love the style! :D Though kind of hard to follow along with what's actually happening... voicing a little low and unclear too. Did she get a... stomach cramp? Have to take a pause and halt the dance? Dance bits are good though.


h2o0tterART responds:

Much thanks Cyberdevil, for especially noticing audio issues,,, Big applause.

What a masterpiece. :) Not sure about final instructions but... good stuff.


All's well that ends well. XD Another epic saga by an unexpectedly limited cast this time around considering the length does not seem at all equally limiting! Good stuff. Wonder when Wade became such a reoccurring part in these too...


It's like traveling back in time with this one. :) To a time before my time...

Both old and fresh at once. Minimalism at first. Unexpected forms and colors that follow. It's really not the kind of logotype I'd design myself but that just makes this all the better, really stands out... in a good way I think... smooth transitions and crisp sound effects too.

Wonder if the transformation after the circle turned three-dimensional could've been done in a more streamlined way, maybe a little much going on after that with all the different boxes, but it does feel unique that way too. Keeps surprising.

But the first 6 seconds and a bit: perfection. You don't see that shift coming at all but it's so fluent and flawless.


Ant responds:

I love stuff from before my time so when I finished this I was very proud of how well it turned out. I was planning on using a rainbow texture instead of the boxes, and I might change it but I feel like the somewhat “bad” design choice fits in with the aesthetic of it in general so I kept it in. I might change it later but I think it’s pretty decent atm.

Thanks for the review, I really appreciate it when I see reviews like this. It always put a smile on my face whenever it happens because it showed that there was actual time and thought put into it instead of reviews where people just go “cool” with a 3.5 rating. I appreciate the criticism too!

This was made because my old intro was kinda crap so I made a new one, this will show up in Peter Work at Freddy Movie Finale so I guess if you want I could keep you updated on that. Its been a long project I’ve been working on with a lot of friends that wanted to contribute to it. It’s been in the works for a while now but I finally am getting around to start animating a ton!

Anyways, thank you for the nice review!

-Ant :D

This shit just got real!!! XD

The way these worlds collide too. Real talk turned to bird chatter, but then you see the CD just falling by outside the window... love how you manage these things with such normally mundane scenarios and/or elements. All so relatable though it seems totally random each time. Thoroughly wholesome.

Do feel pretty sorry for that one bird, but looked like Frank Ocean survived at least...


lmao! XD The most unexpectedly relatable cartoon of the day/week/month/probably a way longer time right here. Though don't know that they usually fly into items that aren't transparent so much!

Oughta make a bell icon clicker counterpart for the heart here too btw Cheetoh. :P Optimal follower potential direct to the local audience!

Good stuff.


First double ending ever?! :D This one for the books...


One of those rare cases where the sequel actually trumps the first one. :)

It all started with the big bang...


Creative genius is high with this one... really was a surprisingly pleasant visual trip, new style...

It just so happens to be midnight here too and after this: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/780861

...I still do want a pizza hmm, what's the worst that could happen...


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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