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First one's definately a favorite, but there was a lot of fun involved in this! Way more content than I'd expected. At the start I was wondering which parts the different people made, if one made the chorus, maybe others made one or two animals a piece... turns out that was just the first part. :D Nice work!


An unanticipated hero saves the day! I wonder what happened to tha bullet would at the end, was it just a distraction? Did it maraculously heal? Is it a fullblown plot inconsistency? The story otherwise is great, love how it starts off with him just sleeping through disaster... both alarm/cellphone signal were surprisingly realistic too.

I'd have thought he'd just wait for the old lady to cross the street, since he is Slackman you know. No rush. Just a minute of old-lady-crossing-street animation was what I'd expected. But anyway, great voice acting; animation; surprisingly flat room decor but that doesn't bother too much. Nice work!


Fim responds:

Originally there was a scene where he flies to the bathroom to take a shower, and you get to see all the clutter and old pizza littering the floor, but I decided to cut that in the end because it made the whole thing drag out too long. That's definitely made me realise the importance of succinct story-boarding! Thanks for the review, I appreciate the feedback, and I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Haha, sports on a whole new level! The play with light/shade was a new touch on this one. Nice work.


Definately looks good! Just watching a walk cycle is a bit... I mean it's not complete. :P Keep it going!


RezziUK responds:

Thanks for the feedback

lmao, that kind of Mussels. XD Quick but genius joke, the animation and voice acting's all perfect, nicely done pun!


it's strange how fun this was to watch even though twas just random characters walking in tune on the moon. Animation's fluent, the music's ambient, and the critters are all creative and different, and time flows at a leisurely pace when you se it - it's like melodic meditation. Nice work!


Haha, nice. :DSurely not the worst that could happen though, I mean... he's still alive! Keep up the great work.


I thought the first insult was the pun, lmao... I'll take this moral to heart, messing with little girls can be a painful experience! Even if it's just for kicks. :P Keep it going.


PavsterBulldozer responds:

haha thnx!! i will keep going :)

lmao, I don't know, I need to buy a car. This was a fun short but holy shit that's loud!! Good thing I didn't have the volume turned up.


Woo, a music video! Was not expecting this. As far as plot goes, I was definately expecting some kind of twist... but this was just... nuts. :P lmao, how could he have not seen all of those?! Fun stuff though, only thing that bothers me is that bright green text on orange bg at the end... too bright a contrast! Keep it going.


PavsterBulldozer responds:

Yea I've been copying and pasting the same text at the end for all the cartoons, I will have to switch shit up. Thanks for your feedback bro!

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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