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I was definitely expecting some twist with the title, but you can never expect the twists that you get with these ones. XD The way the characters handle the situation just make it all so abundantly fun, and looks like Death's become a permanent part of the series now huh... interesting relationship! And awesome work. Had a laugh. Biggest one in a while.


ChutneyGlaze responds:

Thanks CD, you know Im always trying to find out what people like to see in a title and what do people like more than seeing some hot old ass ladies!

Those hands. XD The symbolism might've been clearer if you didn't bring in those hands, they're just, weird... otherwise mimickery with the glove well done.


Arm placement in that final closing circle seems a bit off, like it's attached to her face. :) Apart from some certain visual inconsistencies this was great. Good fun as always, and a bit more harmless than the eye-gouging ones in the beginning. XD Smooth music too!


Great animation, great music... what more can you ask for! You really follow the lyrics and build up the atmosphere too, adding in little details of fun all along the way, it's really all in those details. Doesn't seem like this was the intended visual for the song either. XD Awesome work.


What en ending. XD Love the groove, love the lyrics, as for the animation.. it kind of pales in comparison, and looks kind of pale! Color would be nice, and maybe a bit more speed...


Discombobulatedtoons responds:

I agree, colour and speed. Thanks man :3

What a beautiful view... and what a brutal animation! XD So perfectly arranged. The grass swaying with the wind, the sunshine haze... and then the next character runs up! Could've been turned into a perfect loop too if the girl appears out of the woods behind the new guy again, bruised from the fall, exacts revenge, takes his spot... cycle repeats itself!


Started pretty normal but... woah,that toad! :O That is one serious -looking toad. The name makes sense now. Well-merited. Great twist with the sound at the end too.


Nonorama responds:

THX! Sadly, the lets player is currently considering to stop his videos, which I think is a bit sad. He seemed to enjoy doing it, but never got more than 30-40 views. The internet is a bit to vast sometimes.

If anything ever convinces me to get a dog this might be it! The ending quite just makes that impression so whole... and I didn't expect to get the amount of feels from this as I did until that one final scene.

You managed to capture the intensity of the journey well, but with the circus-like music it often felt more comical than serious, and even during that one final jump over the car and into the building, when it started feeling a bit menacing, it didn't feel like the emotional type of movie... but it all escalates so fast after that! Amazing work.

Great animation too, sketchy but fluent and lifelike... in a cartoon way.


Can understand why Germaine is reacting the way she is! XD It's been a while now...


Pretty short but well-done! Solid animation, voice acting and background soundtrack. It's just over all so fast.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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