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Yeah I would have taken that as a no/maybe/wait a while too. XD Hope he wasn't severely allergic...


Well at least you did the right thing! Right? Guess the moral of the story here is: homeless guys might be homeless for a reason... sometimes. Or: if you ever pick one up it better not be a Jon. Unless it's Jon Bon Jovi.

Anyway, feels a bit weird seeing a regular sketch after all the ones dealing with a time before this one, blasts from the past with excessive relatability, but the entertainment value's still as high as ever with this too. As if it was on crack. Great stuff.


So on point with the wordplay in this one, not a piece of news without a good one, alien cameo and forecast included! :) Looks like vacation did good for renewing that creative comedy stream, and good to see Jimmy Pee back and still going (and if he's been back a while then I've missed a few)! Good stuff.


threebrain responds:


An almost perfect loop with bug band tunes! :D Digging the wonky, tribal-like; rythm. Smooth animalation too! About the sounds: wouldn't it be awesome if they all really were based on the sounds of BUGS! With a little extra filtering and effect to get the right tones and stuff. Might require some pretty serious recording equipment though... good stuff.


Butzbo responds:

Yeah I liked how 'tribal' it came about at the end, hhehheh; Some real bug sounds would actually be interesting to work with, there's probably a good bunch of them I'm not so aware of, beyond good old crickets.

Plot twist: that guy actually didn't call him an asshole after all? Was expecting some sort of revelation like that but... that went intense pretty quick! Well-animated...


Genius. XD That guy sharpening up is arm though... unexpected! And looks like everything worked out in the end after all, for everyone involved! Back in my day I don't remember ever running out of pencils though, maybe I was that guy with the box of 'em...


A new kind of Skitzo! :D I like it. The final boss fight part with the claws reminded me a bit of Castlevania, good progression with each one, and I'm glad that both of them get out of there somewhat unscathed... no need for conclusivity, they clash, then lash out, bash each other a bit (Skitzo oesn't seem to land a single attack though...) and finally go back to their own ways... the perfect bridge. :) Haven't played the Cupcake game, but this does make me want to, enough of these tributes and maybe I will... good stuff.

And I'm surprised: it wasn't all that long since the last one either! :D


Comick responds:

Ah thanks man! Yeah, I should have added some damage on Cuphead but in my mind he only had one heart so no hits allowed heh...maybe I should have drawn the one heart in the corner! But glad you enjoyed the animation and YES I'm trying to do more Skitzo toons sooner then my usual slow snail speeds haha so THANKS for noticing that!

Double twist. XD The comedy doesn't really catch you by surprise with this one, but definitely a well-scripted series of events. Do wonder how she made it out of hat trashcan alive though...


ChutneyGlaze responds:

Grandmas are old fragile creatures, but inadvertently hard to kill. trust me I know!

Oh man. XD I was thinking the animation quality sure has improved since this one, but that final scene blew all such squander away. What an awesome recoil. It starts simple, builds slowly... comedy comes in with a beep and knocks you out completely. Finally some sleep huh, truly unconventional tool to use for such purpose...


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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