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Is there some kind of sublimminal message in this? all those random objects piling up, walking forth, counting down, punching up a rebellian. The sound fits well with the gritty animation style, and it builds up, just like the animation itself. At the start it seems to be about random objects, but towards the end the animation is getting as intense as the music is. Everything is well-drawn and animated, the animation smooth, and towards the end it's just complete spinning out of control. The only part that didn't really fit in IMHO is the close-up of the turtle. Everything else is just an awesome coalition. Is it all about war? I feel like I'm supposed to learn something from this, but after all, it's just an inpiring mass of madness. Great work!


Woah, that was an unexpected mashup of twisted and randomyl creative puns from all around the planet! Each one of these could probably have been a seperate short, what kind of mind do you have, spouting this amount of creative for a single flash?! Great work!


Haha, that ending was a bit unexpected. Not sure why Harry suddenly appears completely nude there at the start. Am I missing something? It looked like he had clothes on when he was hanging upside down. Gotta love the ending, lmao. Keep it up!


Awesome, adorable and really inspirig Valentines Day clip. Short and sweet! Keep up the great work!


Alays nice with stopmotion, and the way the hands were mixed in makes it look pretty mjagical, creating structures by just a swipe of the hand ora poke of the finger. Really fitting music as well, and it's unspiring to see how everything grows in tune with the music, eventually even gaining color, going faster and faster. It stopped at a peak in the music too, good watch. Great work!


Haha, the ending is just pricesless! Love the quick transition from work to just standing outside with the box under his arm. That went quick! Genius idea, and a bootylicious animation as well! Can't belp but wonder how this would look in color though, but it's great! Keep up the good work!


Aw, what a cute animation! That smile on the dug is just awesome, and the way it just keeps coming back all the time. The intro skit with his bone is awesome too. I thought that was going to be the pun of the animation, and then the UFO pops up, lmao! The ending is unexpected. I kinda wish the dog would have gotten his bone back though, but yeah, it's a good animation! Nice work! Moves a bit slow at times, but in the end it was worth waiting through. :)


KuroiSenshi responds:

Thanks for your comment. Originally there were 2 more scenes but were scrapped due to not having enough time and the timing is off in some places indeed, but ah well. As my first "full" animation I'm proud. :)

Haha, a parody on DMX? His voice sounds a bit similar... not critizicing DMX, it just sounds like that's part of the parody. Great song otherwise, verses are genius, animation is disturbing lmao. This is what NG was made for! Keep up the great work!


Great attention to the rythm in the animation. Especially at the start when all the pictures pop up in tact with the beat. The creative layout mixed with animation works well. It's a comical song and a comical animation. Hilarious when she stands by the stands with her bike stuck in her crack, and how they all get mixed up eventually. Gets a bit monotone after a couple of minutes, but still it cracks me up. Great work!


Bamboo Shoots!

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