A pretty challenging arcade game! That isometric point of view coupled with up and down arrows for side-stepping and forward control proved pretty tricky, I thought I'd make better sense of it with practice, but no matter how much you play it still seems easy to hit the wrong key and step into empty air once in a while. Medals are great incentive to keep going though, the ambient music as soothing as the pings when you take a step, and the upgrades rewarding too.
Wish there was some bonus you'd get for parading with multiple owls, other than an extra life if you take a wrong step, because with enough of them after each other it actually feels harder to navigate and that mistake's all the easier to make. Maybe the stars x amount of owls you have on your trail...? Or an extra star for every 5 or so you pick up? Would be nice if they counted for something.
Overall though: a catchy and challenging game, easy to replay, and with just the right amount of collectibles to keep you hooked.