
4,838 Game Reviews

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Another defense game! I do appreciate the change of style though, the move from just regular idle click-and-attack to more of a TD approach. Would be nice with a step-by-step introduction of the playing field instead of everything at once, but either way, it's a fun game. Keep it going!


Ha, loved the original, and it's the same thing with this! The idea of combining the classic arcade/puzzle physics genre with the faces of trolls was just great, lotta fun, and these levels take it a step further. Nice work!


Another great physics/puzzle game! I've played a few similar hide-random-inanimate-character games earlier, so the concept definately isn't new, but the levels are. All of them a lot of fun, keep up the good work!


Awesome. Just awesome. I honestly don't remember exactly how the first game went, should probably play that again some time, but this did bring back a lot of memories. And even without the memories, it's a great game! Combined creativitiy and fun, with a much smoother interface than the first game. The dialog is smooth, the action is smooth... everything's just so... smooth. Truly a classic brought into the twentyfirst century, though it is a shame that medal unlocking medal in another game didn't make it. Nice work!


I suppose jumps are low since the main character is a brick? :P It was a fun journey though, short and simple. Would've been nice with 995 levels to fill the gaps between the first few and the sudden finale, but either way, fun game. The music adds a lot to it, too, without that it wouldn't have much atmosphere. Keep it going!


Nice game. I like the ease with which you can skip cutscenes and dialog, and the easy tutorial that brings you right into the game. The interface is sleek, the graphics smooth and the game itself is a unique mix of strategy and action. Nice work!


kurechii responds:

Glad you enjoyed the tutorial and the game! Thank you :)

Another fun and simple physics game, with effects from the wild west (it hears). I don't think I've played the original, but I just might after this level pack. As with all of these, they start simply and get progressively difficult along the way, good challenge. The gray colorscheme is a bit different from the usually colorful layouts on games like this, and it looks good, gives the game a more 'serious' tone even with the fun gameplay. Keep it going! And how about adding medals to some of these games?


This is a pretty neat idea, being able to build the ship yourself through the use of modules. The interface is simple, the gameplay simple, and there's plenty of upgrades along the path to capturing the galaxy? Would probably be even more interesting with an ultimate plan; storyline, but as far as gameplay goes I have no complaints. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

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