
4,838 Game Reviews

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Heey, actual control of the world, not a bad prize at all! XD Overall it was a short and fun (plenty of humor too) game, each stage something new, thought it'd be cool if some of those challenges were a bit more random, this way if you beat it once you'll beat it every time. Nice work!


Enjoyed this one just as much as the previous, even if the levels overall feel a bit simple. Only point I was somewhat confused was the first time those alien spiders appeared. Crushing one was apparently a no go, so the next time they appeared with a 'bomb' as the first item to drop, I was surprised they were supposed to be killed. Guess it's the green blood (acid?) you were suppoed to avoid dousing those astronauts in the first time... everything else was a breeze. Simple, fun and easy to play, and it's nice how you can complete each level a multitude of ways. Any hope for a third one?


Starts off easy, gets hard pretty quick when even the controls don't work the way you expect them too! Idea's nice, and the audio's working fine for me (on FF) though that's the sounds, if there is background music I might be missing something. Would be cool with a list of highscores here, or medals, keep it going!


IndoorOrnithology responds:

Yeah, the sound problems might just be on my PC. Thanks for the review!

Blocky interfaces, blocky transitions and plenty of blocks in the levels too! Gameplay is incredibly slick, controls are simple, the idea's innovative, and instead of the traditional stars or coins once you complete each challenge... you get a rainbow! :D The blocks seem happy to be pushed to their places too, following eyes and jump animations a nice little detail, overall it's a happy; addicting; clever game. Nice work!


An escape game with simple and stylistic Samurai-like design! I like the mood it sets, both with that sad, subtle audio and the traditional Asian architecture (awesome wall paintings). It looks great, and provides plenty of puzzle while it's at it. Nice work!


Another fun shape shifter game! Feels like I've played the last level before hmm, but otherwise each level's a new and creative challenge. Nice game!


Seems like you'll actually be able to do some smalltime heroics in this new town. :) Sceneries are all a refreshing view, and there's a manageable amount of puzzles to solve. Seems like the final Sleep! medal isn't working though, hope it can be fixed! Keep it going!


That talking skull Yendor is just full of answers! :D I like the mood in this game. Dark, ambient, uncertain... but still humorous. You start out not knowing who you are or what to do, slowly enter the world; slowly get somewhere, faster than you'd expect after the slow introduction, the slow walking animation... but there's always some dialog or scenery to savor, even if some of it's veiled by darkness. The controls are dead simple, and the story hooks you in soon enough. It's just full of Why's, and you want to know the answers... and the less you get to know, the more you want to figure out. :) It's a great game!


Pizzamakesgames responds:

I won't tell but there might be some answers in the sequel. maybe. or just more questions. ;) Thank you very much for the comment!

Bamboo Shoots!

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