
4,838 Game Reviews

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A fun game, but without the medals it feels there wouldn't be much incentive to run for this long. The level stays the same, the upgrades are a bit limited, the coins don't feel particularly rewarding to pick up (no refreshing sound when you hit them, no sparkling transition, etc), and they're spaced out in such a way that you easily jump past them, or have to choose either one on ground or in the air, it's not a pattern where you can maneuver to catch them all and get that extra sense of accomplishment you would if you were able to. It's fun for a while, but the lack of variation and one-sided reward brings down re-playability a bit... once you get a score, that's it. Power-ups, scenery changes, unlockable characters, etc... there's a lot that could be added to keep users playing a while longer. Keep it going!


Kandonian responds:

I'm looking into adding characters and unlockables as well as skills and such into the shop for a patch!

A simple and fun game! Sprites feel unnaturally small at first, but as levels grow larger and larger (well, more complex, all screen-size) it starts feeling necessary after all. One thing I'd get rid of is that bright blue background, just feels unnaturally sharp, bit like the color you usually use for spritesheet backgrounds just to clearly distinguish what's not part of the sprites. Overall a good game. Keep it going!


Puzzles always get so much tricker when you add another dimension to them! Controls are great, visual are great; levels are cleverly designed. Fun and challenging, nice work!


Gotta love 2D pixel platformer games like this! It's great all the way. Great atmosphere, great action, great characters and assortment of varied items. Love it!


A fully functional and fully featured Solitaire game! Plays just like I'd expect it to so far. Nice work!


Been a long time since I played one of these mouse mazes, this feels like a really fresh and evolved version of the genre, slick controls, stylish level design (only the propellers feel a bit monotone/slow during the first level) and that trail of lost souls that follows you... it's a bit like Snake mixed in, but without the involuntary forward-movement all the time. I like everything about this. Design. Small motivating level messages (intertwined with credits and ads, clever), the ambient music, the variation and challenge, in both patience and obstacle, the ease with which you restart... really great game overall!


Run speed feels incredibly slow at the start, and I wish you could aim freely with the mouse to toggle forward/background view without having to swap view to move away from zombies, and not be able to shoot in the process.

The game overall seems great. Plenty of upgrades, smooth controls, interface, music, etc. Not that fastpaced at the start, but good fun. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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