This is so good. So seasonally suitable too... atmospheric stuff, dope instrumental!
This is so good. So seasonally suitable too... atmospheric stuff, dope instrumental!
Super thank you!
Oh this is dope! Gritty, bassy, and so smooth... percussion's on point too.
Is butter a metaphor hmmmmmm... I'll se what I can do!
I mutter that butter is making me shutter, I am the butter cutter, I can slice it with a ..... rudder?
This was soulful! Wonderful work y'all! Though a little short... it's almost like an introduction.
Y'know, little personal jingles like this would be a very cool thing in podcast intros, if they don't take too long to make hmm...
Yes, that's something I'm thinking about having music in the podcast.
Hmm no description on this one? The music does speak for itself for sure but curious as to what stories and/or impressions, experiences or emotions accompany the tune...
Jumpy, smooth, a little chaotic but with underlying exuberant groove anywho!
Nice one.
There's no story, just some sound design and a house drum pattern
You really set the bar high for yourself man. :) This wasn't bad at all IMO, though maybe not the catchiest ditty you've done, after the minute mark it somehow feels a little more hesitant, like the energy's dying down, resolve waning, and then it really does, so maybe that's an intentional de-escalation with the main melody too... love the dnb and slowdown at the end otherwise, may be you're just stretching it out for time but it sounds awesome.
Hey had you done Jamuary some other year? I was sure you had, not seeing it in your profile though so maybe not huh... if you live in a part of the world where January's mid-winter it feels like an even bleaker time for a challenge, I don't know if I could manage that one myself, but Tunetober... you can do it man! You are doing it!!! Some days are good; some days less so, that's just how it goes, just know every single one of these so far has been at the minimum hella creative and enjoyable.
All the best man; may tomorrow feel better again!
It was mostly to stretch the song out because I was out of ideas, but it's also am expression of how I'm slowing down and running out of steam.
I never participated in Jamuary, I was thinking about doing it next year, but I'm tired boss 😅 Don't really want my tracks getting buried by everyone else's dailies. You and I are the only fellas I know doing tunetober, so it feels more special <3 And yes, the cold is depressing and leaves me devoid of energy. Minnesota gets it baaad x.x
Thanks for hanging out CD, we're almost through!
Literally? Your computer? What happened man? O_O
You were really getting into the Halloween groove with this one too... not bad at all, and long! An oddly both ambient and unsettling song with this one. Follows the description, it seems...
11 tracks ain't bad but... well whatever happened hope yer alright still! Music's secondary to self for sure. Twas a killer run if this really is the last one!
Just real life being real life I guess, didn't even get out of bed yesterday
Keep on going my man
Feels almost like something you'd hear in the DOOM soundtrack. :) Very atmospheric... wish it was a bit longer when it doesn't really end on a loop, but very nice...
I'm still glad you get a kick out of these small MIDI chiptune sketches I do on occasion. I haven't touched BeepBox in awhile but everytime you or someone else leaves a review on one of these tracks I've done months or even years ago I always consider picking it up again or some other musical software.
Sounds kinda like an embodiment of frustration, or grueling, of working through something heavy. Progress feels forced. The very fabric of the tune pushing itself forward; really working to get somewhere... very cool sound though. Complex composition man despite the tiredness!
Is that you on the vocals towards the end too? Hard to pick up the words, but sounds good...
This song certainly seems to be an expression of fatigue. I was just throwing stacks of plugins on the rack, toying with sound design. The vocals aren't mine, just something I had in a folder. Thanks for listening CD! We're a quarter ways through this!
Aaah you got it out on the seventh after all! XD Oh well, timezones do differ, somewhere in the world it was definitely still October 6. I think I've used that excuse some earlier year when I was about to be away a full day and had to get one out in advance, before it was actually the right day in my timezone... doesn't feel as accomplishing for sure, but technically OK, I doe say...
This turned out dope anyhow. Feels like something I could hear in F-Zero too, smooth and soothing but energetic too... very nice.
I couldn't get to work on it until 9 or 10 central, so I was already racing against the clock. I think I did alright though lol. It was inspired by the drum and bass mixes I listen to on YouTube when I'm doing game dev.
What a banger! What a grand and groovy collaboration with the OG Goons I probably should know about but don't know if I ever did as this particular collective. After this though...
Loved the origin story at the end in particular, extra energy there, but all verses are solid, and the production impeccable. Funky fun and fantastic, both entertaining and easy on the ears, easy to favorite.
Nicely done y'all.
my guy!! remember you from back in the day. Thank you for the love CD
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04