Enjoyed this thoroughly, and I love the description. :) You truly commit yourself to your work hmm, to the point it encompasses you fully; holds your potential and all...
Production-wise maybe you could push the volume a little higher; widen the mix a bit? Instrumentally it sounds great. I was pleasantly surprised with the DnB section that kicks in around the 1:30 mark in particular. Great percussion. And some kind of animal sound behind it... is that a bird? A seal? Wait maybe that's just the very alive-sounding synth again...
The track really has a VG like vibe to it otherwise, feels like something you could have in a race or arcade game, smooth, upbeat, vibrant, with a consistent but very stagnating energy, there's life in the background too, a radiating stream of calm behind the madness.
Really good atmosphere; good intro; good end; good structure all the way.
The beat does get a little crazy occasionally; I'm not entirely entranced by those bits, like around 2:28, but overall I appreciate everything about this.
Solid; wholesome work. Creative too.