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Can't tell if that final balloon catch was planned or not but... it ends with a positive message at least! I like the music, and the animation, and the Samurai Champloo-like vibe.. smooth, bright and melancholy at the same time. Nice work!


JogoCII responds:

Hmm. I intended it to be more of a surprise since I hinted something out of the blue at 0:14 that has balloons and pamphlets scrawled all over his home. Thanks again for your honest feedback!

The animation's a bit simple, with little detail, some pretty obvious motion tweens and not so much action, but not a bad show reel otherwise. Also seems a bit misleading you'd call this 2D, since even without the models the animation does take place in a '3D world'. 2D seems to imply it's limited to just the one plane.


MeelisMatt responds:

Thanks for commeting and opinions!

Must say that tone of narration was impressively impressive! And the animation doesn't disappoint either. It feels more like a cartoon than a support video, but definitely one you want to support after you watch it. And I think I heard Newgrounds in there somewhere too hmm... props on that! Great stuff.


insanetoons responds:

I'm glad you like it and thanks for the kind words, much appreciated :)

You really shouldn't eat green potatoes, they really aren't good for you... I thought everyone knew that! XD What a twist too. Flawless build-up and voicing as well, the brooding builds, the suspense.. you know something's bound to happen soon! Great animation.


AntonM responds:

cheers cyberdevil, thanks for complimenting the voice acting, tryin to get better at it :)

That simple lunch turned out complicated so fast. XD That character style, narration, script... such a random working combination. You definitely have a unique style going there too. Much enjoyed.


Stanpai responds:

Thank you. I wanted to make a proper Steamed Hams parody and I found my way.

Somehow can't imagine it actually sounds anything like this in the real episode. XD So random, so simple, so entertaining... and that piano sprinkle in the background makes it all seem like some kind of psychadelic trip. Interesting!!


GLoosley responds:

This is a note-for-note-pitch-perfect recreation of the original english dub... I donno what youre talking about! :-P

Double ending, nice. :) Feels like 'Conclusive' after the 'Madness' almost makes it seem like it's an official ending, of sorts, bit misleadingly epic title but... a good short. Random Battle Royale with that typical Madness vibe. Smooth animation; good fight!


Kenamy responds:

oh, yea, Conclusion wasn't supposed to mean about the madness series at all, but a simple "event" that lasted for around half a year, This video is a undirect reply of it and making fun of it.

Well that was fun. :) So basically workout a ton! And drink a lot while you're at it. Stay hydrated on healthy habits.Good message, and good fun, and I'm curious: what program do you use to animate stuff like this?


Bingleheimer responds:

Thanks :) I appreciate the feedback. I used Cinema4d for the 3d animation, After Effects for compositing, and Ableton Live/Audition for the audio work.

A pretty gritty music video! Nightmarish music and real nightmarish visuals to go with it, though really not sure what either animation or music is all about, what message it's trying to convey here... something about the dark side within man? Well done though.


MHR-cartoon responds:

You got damn right!
Thank you ;)

Bamboo Shoots!

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