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Now imagine an entire Avengers movie in 8-Bit style. :D Well, no doubt that's what this was made to make you imagine, but it's a shame such a massive project will probably never be made, only previews of the grandeur they could contain. Nice trailer!


Matija27 responds:

I think the whole movie would be a bit hard on the eyes to watch xD
Thank you for the review, really appreciate it :)

Apparantelly... darkness brings forth a surge of demons like the world has never seen! Or something, ominous. The animation's great, sound's great, and as for plot so far... not much seems to be going on. I'm not yet sure if it's going to be violent at all or entirely comedic, with foes running away rather than doing battle, but it's presented in a both entertaining and exciting way and does make me look forward to seeing what more the next episode introduces. Nice work!


PiratePudding responds:

Thank you! :)

Yes, the viking believed the forests were the domain of dark and dangerous creatures, so it was not a good idea to go deep into it at night!

The trolls ran away for a reason, haha. Wait and see!
I'm going for a mix of violence and comedy so far, but since I'm the only animator (so far) I try to limit myself so as not to take three year to finish an episode....So no big fight choreography right now sorry. :)

These are some pretty crazy cartoons. Not just the animation's submlime, but all the ideas behind them! Tons of creativity stashed in this yearly case file. Some I've seen, some seem new; I should definately root through the archive. Looking forward to next years!


YULFO83 responds:

Thanks man! I hope to have some new stuff out soon. trying to finish up some freelance work. thanks for watching!

Another intro for a Megaman game I haven't seen, but at least I'm learning the story... it's a lot longer than that other one, with much more of a story. Animation and sound's great, not much to comment on, nice work! Are there any more of these intros on queue?


Steinberg responds:

Thank you for your review.

There is one more! For Megaman V.

A bit early for Christmas aint it? Twas a fun infomercial though! Nice narration, animation and overall just a great creation. Keep it going!


Michael-T-Scott responds:

May be early, but I don't care (and neither do retail outlets and radio stations). Before you know it it'll be Christmas 2015... Then 2016... Glad you liked it. Come back again when it's closer to Black Friday (two weeks).

Don't spot any of that ugliness the description promises, just awesomeness, and a flawless victory! It's fun, stereotypical and cartoonishly brutal. Feels like it's missing out on some potentially great sound effects, but apart from that the animation's not bad at all. Keep it going!


ryanaltounji92 responds:

Thank you! :D
I hope you'll stay tuned for upcoming videos

Train justice as in: we need more justice, so we should all train justice?! Yeah! Good morals! :P Animation feels a bit so so, but I like the idea. Looking forward to more!


AnimatedCritic responds:

The hope is that it comes across as funny, but perhaps also gets the question of "what is justice?" going in our minds as well. So it looks like I've accomplished at least a little something!

The animation is an issue, in that I'm trained by Pixar / Dreamworks animators through Animation Mentor but wasn't going for my very best work here. It should seem competent at least but it's definitely not amazing.

Also if my drawing were better the animation would also appear stronger, and this happens a lot, where we're tricked by really nice drawing into thinking the animation is better than it is. I have a long way to go in that regard, but at least some of the light I'm after is shining through! So glad to hear that.

Thanks so much for your interest and for your honest critique!

I was wondering if anything more was going to happen once you reach the PRESS START stage... but I guess no! Glad it fades away to white after a while or I'd never know... but on the other hand it'd be nice with some kind of 'play again' thing, maybe iostead of START?

I've never played this game, but it was a nicely animated intro!


Steinberg responds:

haha, yeaaah! I didnt wanted to cut the music since it is way too cool! So I let it play up to the end since it isnt too long! But I confess that seeing "press start" blinking without anyone pressing it kinda gives on my nerves.

I didnt think about the play again thing, that's a great idea!

Goes to show that if the process is fun, the result is too! It's a nice and stylistically simple mesh of creative scenarios, with focus on graphics and motion rather than plot. I wonder if there's an easy way of making those transitions between black and white shapes flowing over each other, where they shift colors as they cross... some kind of filter? Overall this was just a genuinely fun thing to see, groovy work!


Steinberg responds:


Yeah, at first I copy pasted both scenes in different layers, inverted the colors of one of them and then used a mask over it so it would alternate the colors wherever the mask was, kind of annoying to do but not really hard, but afterwards I remembered I could just use a movie clip with a filter that automatically does the color inversion on the place it is, making it really simple and easy.

I'm glad that you enjoyed the fact that it focus more on motion, this gotta be one of the animations I am more proud of (aesthetically).

Thanks for the review.

Bamboo Shoots!

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