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Wouldn't have needed the credits to explain what happened. In a way it's good to have it confirmed, but at the same time I wish it'd be free to interpret, so you could imagine that maybe things work out after all, let the mind deal with imagining the potential scenarios. It started out as a pretty light-hearted animation, but as the world gets dark... it gets dark! Really sad story in the end, though nicely animated.


Big-Bad-Bombus responds:

I had a ball playing with lighting in this animation and how it linked to the tone of the story. And yeah, I've said it on a lot of these reviews that I wanted to leave it a little open, but my class kept ragging on my that it didn't make sense without it. Next time I know better, I guess. Thanks for the feedback!

The transition between the part when he's flying up towards the nest and sitting on the branch is a bit sudden, black screen, even the music stops, feels almost like a part's been cut out? (at just around 0:20). The animation's great though, and a kind; simple plot. Such an unlikely thing for a bird to do it took me a few seconds to realize he wasn't building a nest or something. :P Nice work!


Extellus responds:

Well, it wasn't cut out but I see what you mean. Now that I look at it, I'd definitely do it differently. :)
It was meant to portray the end of the birds journey, the arrival to it's destination, but alas it didn't work out as I imagined it. :/

Another good one, short but... always fun! Usually I'd have something negative to say about the YT ending credits not being cut out, but seems there's actually a reason for that in this one! Though, a video editor could take care of it. Shame about the lost .swf. Looking forward to whatever's next, hopefully a longer part of the SCF series!


guitan11 responds:

dude! you have comment on like every video i make! i really appreciate you dropping by every time i do something new. you are awesome :D

I like it! Looking forward to the episode on side-effects, the most important part of it all. Information was easy to understand, and episode not too long either, though the laugh after the geo-engineering seemed totally misplayed. Is that a pun? I'm not getting it. ./ Anyway, looking forward to the next one!


JohnLothe responds:

Yeah it was supposed to be a play on the fact that the mascots name is Geo. I didn't write it. Thanks for the review

The triangle that just wasn't like all the others! :( Clever play on making similies to the humane trials of life via regular shapes. Drawing's minimal and smooth, and the 'plot' actually made sense. Seemed to be one of those abstract shorts at first, but I'm glad it was understandable in the end! Nice work.


dylan responds:

"feels like I've been awakened"

- beyoncé, 2008

Not a bad episode, though I wish there was more animation! Just idle animation for the characters when they're standing still would meka a big difference, the world seems a bit static when they all stand perfectly still and immobile when not doing anything. After that, voice acting would be the next step to perfection. ;) Keep it going!


MC-Skeptik responds:

Thank you for the critique! Yes, I probably should include some idle animation, and voice overs would help alot. I've definitely got alot to do with this series and sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming for just 1 person. But all in due time. lol

In the end this was all... surprisingly normal! Considering the M rating I was expecting brutally violent or disturbingly disgusting or ostensible obscene, or a combination thereof... but it wasn't visually excessive at all. Kinda disapointed when it's all over, that there wasn't more to it, though it looks and sounds good. Keep it going!


NorthridgeNG responds:

Thank you, I'll make sure to make it more gritty in my future projects.

Not a bad commercial! Though, I can't really decide on whether it's an actual commercial or a parody? It's definitely fun to watch, but it doesn't seem there's any conclusive pun, yet if it was a real commercial it doesn't seem... convincing enough. Nice work though!


Fogleboy responds:

It's real. Thanks for your kind words.

To be continued? Nice twist from the regular series, with some strong personalities to break from the norm. Animation's great, but the voicing feels a bit distant, and unevenly volumed. Keep it going!


Fogleboy responds:

Yes, there actually was a second half to the story. I can still kind of remember it, but no it doesn't exist at the moment.

Bamboo Shoots!

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