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Can't tell if he's a giant, or if that's a toy car. ;) But I like the atmosphere! Foggy, secretetive, a little of a cityscape distopia, and the engine rumble that breaks the ambient background melody. It looks; sounds good, though not much of story!


ArchieAndrews responds:

Cheers mate ya .. I got too deep in the editing to keep it a good plot. This was mainly about animation and FX tbh.

lmao, pringle cans/boxes (?) are the real danger to modern society! Genius.


Justalp responds:

The people need to know, the word has to be spread. Also thanks! :D

lmao, so much truth in this! The building sequence was a definite favorite, though, so easily breaking a pillar by just hammering it a little seems like a video world version as well. :P Looking forward to the second segment; thanks for the entertainment!


Evy-Devy responds:

Thank you! Glad you agree! Yeah, the pillar break thing did feel a bit unrealistic, but hey, it's comedy! ;) I'll be releasing the second segment part by part on Newgrounds. :) Hope you get excited for that! Hope you stay around to see them. :)

Live action segment was an entertaining addition, and that dub-over voicing for the pixel scenes (wonder what the real voices were saying hmm). In the end, I'm left to ponder how much of the story was based on truth! Metal Gear Mobile fo rizzle? Thanks for the entertainment.


JumpNJetz responds:

No thank YOU for the review as always, Cyberdevil! I can read the future and its full of mobile cash ins... I dont like the future.
Anyways, awesome to see you liked this new vid! :D

An inspiring teaser! Looking forward to the real thing!


SimbaGlumanda responds:

It will never be made completely, I only did it to convey a certain feel.
But thanks a lot for your positive feedback!

What a deeply philosophical and highly inspiring exchange of thoughts that turned into! :D And of course it's the one somewhat oblivious-looking character that manages to delve so deep into the brainstem mindflow. Nice one!


TylerLandis responds:

Haha of course! You might like Episode 2 then too, his thoughts on Wizard of Oz are interesting...

Interesting idea for an animation, in the form is a side-scroller. At first I thought the footage was actually fetched from a game (reading the description), but it is all custom right? The contrast between foreground silhouette and background color is nice, the music powerful, the change of weather probably the most impactful part of the animation, only thing that distracted me a little was how the cars didn't follow the contours of the landscape. Overall though, nice work!


ArsenalStudios responds:

Thank you, It is all original artwork but I took inspiration from Loco Roco and Patapon. I appreciate the response. thanks again for your critique. I appreciate it.

lol, one of the more comical Freddy's animations so far, though it ends brutally! Nicely done.


EnzimePictures responds:

thank you Cyber glad you liked it pal x

Bamboo Shoots!

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