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lmao, great animation for a pretty entertaining podcast segment! On the note of shaved carrots, I thought the part of carrots that bunnies/rabbits/etc actually prefer is that green part of it, the top, anything like salad. Any official comment on that? In the remaining part of the podcast maybe? This is probably going to get me Googling. Anyway, nice work! Entertainment and education all in one.


rubberonion responds:

They actually prefer the carrot itself because of all the sugar but you're right that the leaves are perfectly fine to eat and actually healthy. It's kind of like if you give a plate to someone with a chocolate bar and spinach on it, most people would just eat the chocolate. The carrot itself is the "chocolate" in this scenario. This cracks me up because I never thought people would look at this clip so educationally. I feel like I'm back in high school working at the pet shop haha! Thanks for the rating/comment!

No doubt the best FNAF animation I've seen so far! The musical lyricism and melody is just perfect, and the animation plays a long nicely. Details like the deep-eyed stare and the ringing phone greatly contribute to the overall chuckle, and how the characters all look so focused and sharp-eyed singing their tune. Nice work!


OHitsDewald responds:

Thanks for your kind words! Comments like this is why I haven't given up :)

lmao, he should be careful about jumping into the water like that again... it might come back to life! O_o Entertaining little squid skit!


WaldFlieger responds:

Haha good point! Thanks! :D

lmao at that voice. XD Fun, unprectable; eventful. Nice episode!


HMFD responds:

Thanks for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed

Haha, fun little Birthday short. Happy Birthday MrSharpSword!


ExodusTerminator responds:

Thank you!
He will be happy ;)

Aw, when she reached the grapes I thought they'd get along and eat grapes and maybe hook up and procreate and have a huge family of foxes for potential fable-making future! Being the same opposite-gender species and all, though I guess that's the intentional twist here! Apart from the incredibly bubbly thighs looking a bit weird from the front, it was great though; nicely animated and all.


Toby512 responds:

Thanks. :)

So... the rain of darkness..,. disappeared? Animation looks good, but I'm a bit lost as to what's going on. Something in the making? Something based on some scene from some game? When he/she/it opens her eyes after that black stuff I wondered what was on her/his/its head for a moment there, the patch of brown, guess it's light falling down but since we haven't seen anything but darkness under the hood so far it feels out of place, specially when something just happened of which the visual change may have been a result. So, in conclusion, it looks good, but doesn't make much sense to me? Keep it going!


Destructiod responds:

Hey man, thanks for the review :) I do feel the story in this animation is lacking consistency, Its quite hard to convey what's going on. The rain of darkness is like a power from the box going into him later on making him fly. For a new comer animator, Im still testing the ropes of my story telling and animation skills and i'm really appreciative of your review ^-^
Also yes, the animation is from a scene in the game haha, I felt I did loose myself in the animation and created something I could only really understand because of how much I do love this game haha. I plan to you use your advice for my next upcoming animations and thank you for taking your time to tell me what you thought ^-^

Bamboo Shoots!

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