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Well that was weird. Abstract, Bizarre, masterfdully detailed, with a surprise ending I doth not understand. Styleful but very confusing!


noiserover responds:

I doth not understand it either

Haha, so silly it's great! With an explosive finale! :D Gotta check out some of those other shorts! Nice one.


TonyGaddis responds:


Some somewhat original detail to design in this, with things like the character outlines. Altogether it looks awesome, and moves at an intense pace. An inspiring battle, presented with an overload of effects and gritty fonts. And the true victory presented after-credit. :P Nice work!


C3WhiteRose responds:

If you are pleased with my work, check my other battles for more. #2 and #3 are not as good as this anyway

Hahahaa, wonder who made the first answering machine though. I must resort to Google for this sudden wonder hmm *checking*... Valdemar Poulsen, 1898, apparantely. Thanks for this short yet cleverly designed piece of phoney entertainment!


flxp responds:

Your welcome! Happy you enjoyed it!

lol, those MLP ponies sure run fast. Some unexpected elements in these sketches, and so many game flaws; so many cross-overs between different franchises; so much entertainment! Nice work.


RicPendragon responds:

After making over 50 skits with Sonic 15th 1-3, the well isn't as deep as it once was, so I need to do more cross-overs now to get the desired punchlines :)

lol, I guess the elephant ate up all the food then? Clever! Animation; voicing; idea was all great, and I'm wondering about that contest: which one did you win? Keep up the great work!


Diotoons responds:

thanks man! i won a film/animation contest in the netherlands (:

In space no one can like your post..? :/ If the wifi's working all the way to Earth, that one part doesn't seem to make any sense hmm hmm... didn't he just chat with that other guy? I love the idea, but it feels like you're not making the most of it, like that punchline at the end isn't a real punchline. When his wifi's working, it feels weird he'd be so afraid. Does he automatically assume he's being stalked by an alien lifeform because he can communicate with someone from Earth? The destroyed equipment isn't shown until later, and even after that tagged photo... nothing really happens. Animation's good, idea's great, I like that background interplantary sunset but... feels like potential for so much more!


Spinne responds:

I agree! I have totaly messed up with this one... sometimes I rush to make films and I spend little time to figure out the story. Thanks for the review - you have no idea how much it helps me to improve!

Hmm, a wrench to combat a droplet of water, feels like the wrong element was brought to life therer. ;) But it looks good! I guess your freelancing with these commercials btw? No freebies right? Nice work.


jessejayjones responds:

Yup! This is part of my freelance work, and the drop and wrench are the characters for the logo they asked to be animated for this 15 sec commercial. Thank you! :)

lol, what a twist! So sudden! So unexpected! So unnecesary! Nice oee.


Buckycarbon responds:

Thank you :D Glad you enjoyed it :)

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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