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Starting something with SBC of all characters! Things are bound to get interesting now! :D Real entertaining mesh of sketches overall, and that most important question: you got hacked! For real? I can't tell if there's some grain of truth to this or not but either way: nice work.


SavvyOverDog responds:

No its just one of our members pulling a joke. A really effective joke.

Not a bad fight! The weapon-weilding variations were an interesting touch, and the dialog adds characters, even if the animation overall feels a bit simple. Nothing bad with simple though, was a mostly fast-paced and ferocious fight! Nice work.


Arumazu responds:

Couldn't think of a more way to say thank you!

lol, you should start selling this thing! Genius invention! Sudden milioneere status guaranteed! Love how the Cow disappears in a flash, true ninja style, pretty cool. Though the screen darkening when the cow lick's supposed to take place feels a bit like... less effort in animation? :P Keep up the good work!


Infinite-Zee responds:

Thanks and yeah the in the end I opted to just show a dark frame since I wasnt happy with how the actual cow 'licking' animation came out but thanks a lot :D

An entertaining mesh of random audio segments with suitable animation. :D Smoothly animated, professionally voiced (of course!) and overall just.. a blast to watch through, plenty of entertainment even without a red line to guide you through. Keep it going!


mattyburrito responds:

thanks man :) this was incredibly fun to do I'm glad you liked it :))

I'll agree about the audio (well, the ending part's fine, but before that it's a bit non-existent, bit strange how the audio starts just in that final scene), but the animation was great! Slick, detailed and professionally animish. I feel transitions and timing could be improved, but for a first it's impressive work! Jumped waaay past the expectations I got reading the title first. ;) Looking forward to whatever's up next!


RannitX responds:

Thanks for leaving your review. First off thank your for the complement. I'm going to make sure the audio in the next video is better (which will be a while till my next video is done). I agree my transitions need some work also but what do you mean by timing. I shot in 10s and I would like to hear more of your input on this. If you have the time to that is and Thank you for your input.

An entertainingly animated quick tip too! Nice.


PuffballsUnited responds:


lol, a pretty interesting work experience! XD Flawlessly animated too, expressive in thougts and faces and gender-shifts and everything. Entertaining watch!


Crunchlins responds:

Thank you! :)

I appreciate the kind words! Hoping to do some more like this in a series :)

Things are starting to get intense now! I can dig it. Also really digging that groovy background music, present through the whole episode, that doesn't really rise in loudness but keeps adding to the tension all the way. Great episode!


danmarkowitz responds:

Thank you!

Hmm, intentional typo with 'you're canvas'? Apart from thatlittle buggin' error, this was great, expressively animated, short and creative. Though I was expecting the world to not just take shape but also color, would've been nice to see it in more than black and white. Nice work overall!


BitterBrushAnimation responds:

maybe in his future he will. ;) but it would have been difficult to add color with only black paint. thank you so much for your comment! ^.^

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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