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A huge filesize for a huge animation, which sets a high standard for both animation and sound all the way through. The mixture of detailed backgrounds, simple characters and at times even 3d models, works well. The futuristic city in the background, especially, is pretty nice. The addition of speech 'bubbles' apart from the speech is a nice touch, and the main character speech is exquisitely entertaining. :) The background music fits perfectly, and the plot/coincidence combo... awesome, :) Keep up the great work!


Hehe, can't get much more random than this! That's some crazy dancing, and there's evn a... Walrus? Is there some symbolism here or just complete randomness? :P Nice work!


lmao, gotta have some sympathy for that old man, just listening to his music, having a fun time, and then he gets dragged off into some crazy shit. :D Though he's not moving at all, it's easy to read his thoughts in his eyes. Nice animation, short but... twisted and psychotic and sweet. Nice work!


Haha, serving as a meal? lmao, that's a bit over the top, some creative combinations of crap in this, and the fact that it's all told through the voice of a little girl just adds to the craziness. It keeps going too, all new locations all the time, haha Gotta love their smiles all the time, even the dad, despite all those frequent misfortunates. I'm pretty amazed at the length of this animation, it just keeps going and going. Nice twist at the end too. :) Keep it going!


Hehe, those sparkling eyes! The way that menacing figure casting down a moonbeam transforms into a... well a... still a menacing figure but now doing a funky dancing enchanment. And then it's over? lmao, that's a crazy cartoon! :D


Nice. It's a pretty interesting style of animation in this one, sketchy, with just a few shades to fill in all the characters. It's a bit different how the colors aren't really filled in either but actually painted as a layer behind the character. The animation is really smooth though, and the plot? Well it's just crazy. :D Keep up the great work!


Oh what a fishy movie this is, haha. It's a bit bizarre seeing regular faces on fish, not to mention haircuts and accesories (like that necklace, lol), it all builds up some pretty interesting characters though, and it's a bit different how they're all floating around. Nice plot, and the ending... lmao. :D Keep it going!


CaffeineClown responds:

Thanks for the review! Yeah I thought while I was designing the characters, putting hair and accessories on fish seemed a little weird ... but then I figured it's no stranger than people drawing human boobs on bipedal talking cat ladies! So I felt better about it after that! :P

'Poofish' will likely be a series of simply made animations while I work on longer, more complex ones. I didn't see the need to put in all sorts of crazy movements and composistions when they are essentially just floating around. I'll save that for the other cartoons I have planed!

This is amazing. Looks just like real footage too, I wouldn't think it was actually made from digital particle effects if you hadn't mentioned it, it looks like... I don't know, some of the effects look like grains of colored sand getting brisked away by a breeze, others look like drops of paint in water. The clean white background really makes the particles seem alive. Must've taken a pretty powerful computer to work with 80 million particles? As you say, it's beautiful, and the classical music flows well with the animation. Nice work!


Alldin responds:

Thank you for the feedback !
Indeed it required a powerful computer to render everything.
It was about 69 hours of rendering in total. =)

Simulations does take time ! ^^

Haha, this makes me think of Happy Plane! At the beginning it's got the same kind of superhappy music with superhappy characters and a superhappy plane. The ending was a bit... unexpected. With all the happy music you'd think it would get a happy ending, too. Fun watch though. Keep it up!


Bamboo Shoots!

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