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Another masterful Madness entry! The puppet-play weaponry was pretty cool, along with the electrical effects. Pretty neat how the characters keep switching with each other and moving through the carnage. Looks like the agents are enemies of everyone though. Only thing that was a bit out of order here was the music, what's up with that happy score? Bringing it back to classics? Looking forward to whatever Madness comes next!


Hahaha, can't believe I've missed this gem! Tom & Maddox at the same place? Impossible! Awesome! What unbelievable madness the event eventually led to! Wonder who David is, though... hope for more insane stuff like this!


lol, so that was how it all started. A bit slow animation sometimes, a lot of white background, and subtitles that aren't always so easy to read on that background, but it's an entertaining watch. Keep it going!


Well that was emotional. Of course it has to be black and white, but I'm wondering if that heightens the mood at all or if it would've been just as sad in color. it's a soft snd silent story (apart from the music), that speaks through imagery and takes its time to progress. There's plenty of time to get involved in the sentiments and really feel the atmosphere. Something memorable. Great work!


Woo, a long and entertaining sprite movie, complete with voice acting, subtitles, music, sound effects, transitions, comedy, action, and a unique plotline. Awesome! :D


Nice! I see a lot of improvements in this compared to the first one. For starters, there's actually a story, not just a senseless series of action (though that was fun too), and in aspects of animation and sound it seems everything has improved. It's much better drawn, but would look smoother with a higher FPS, this looks like... 12FPS? Something like that? Also nice with the Interactive mode, and the short animation, it's like a remastered version of the first Dreamland Heroes. Keep it going!


Woo! Videogame legends unite! Plenty of action, plenty of variation, and a boss fight to kick it off. Nice work! The music is great, but the sound effects aren't always there. How about adding some for steps/movement? Fun watching otherwise. Keep it up!


You need better hit areas on the menu items! It took a while before I managed to aim in and press play. Also, how about making the text fuzzy when you hover over instead of the other way around? that way you'll see the text from the start. After that though, it launches staraight to awesomeness. Really great work on the sound and effects, I love the glow on the edges of the weapons when they're fired. The characters are all simple sticks, but the action is intense. Great work!


The drawings are pretty simple, with thick lines and basic shapes,but the effects make it all the better. The mist, glow, the fading effect, all really cool. I thought it'd be pretty creepy after the intro, with great music to heighten the effect, but it turned into more of a comedy at the end. Fun to watch, but it would'e been cool with something more atmospheric/apocalyptic. :/ Keep it going!


Haha, it never gets old! Love the idea, and the animation's smooth too, but couldn't you have added some more characters? Hank! The clown! Zombie Jesus! There's plenty to add. Would be cool with a loop once the track moves onto the second phase btw, just a thought. Keep it going!


Crazymonkey154 responds:

Thank you for the suggestions, and happy madness day!

Bamboo Shoots!

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