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Starting to really get into that Christmas spirit with these stories. XD Another good show; see ya next week!


threebrain responds:


That pretty much sums it up! :D Wasn't expecting an animated movie summary from you guys, but it turned out well! Any plans for more of these? Maybe already in the works? The style seems to add to the comedy potential too so it's a perfect fit. Smooth, well-voiced, not always easy to follow (but good enough if you've seen the movie - and it probably doesn't matter if you haven't) and with some pretty catchy tunes in the final scenes! Nice work.


Looking like a pretty epic game! The visuals probably wouldn't be all as epic without the music, but in combined form it really builds the hype. Great pace. Great impact. Great preview.


So many dark cartoons today! :O Love the way the mood builds up, and the animation's smooth and fluent, just so... depressing. It's winter huh. The leg idea somehow made it all make sense, somehow... senseless as it is. Nice work.


GillBates responds:

thanks a lot)

Man that was way more depressing than I thought it would be. :( Starts so happy; harmonious; that burst of inspiration that never seems to end... I thought it wouldn't stop until the canvas is complete! With a stream of artistry radiating out into the cosmos...! Or something. Was thinking the guy looked almost too happy in the beginning, but when it was over it didn't seem enough... maybe there'd be better places to plant your easel and delve into that ceaseless creative realm without distraction?

Was also a bit surprised the markers were stored with the point facing upward, but makes sense. they would be if they're really being used... nice work. Would've liked to see what mastery this would've turned into if those guys hadn't stepped in and stopped it, but them feels. They come across.


ThothyGoodneth responds:

Oh wow, thank you so much for this comment! Your reaction is literally what I was hoping to get from viewers. The way everything was just crushed by the arrival of those d-bags. Viewers being so curious to see what the painting would have looked like if he could have just remained in his beautiful world to the point of completion. But, sadly, how oftentimes the world around us just doesn't allow that.

A pretty entertaining Game Grumps sketch!


Digging that Christmas decor! And that unexpected weather forecast makeover. XD Another good morning!


threebrain responds:

haha Tanks! I need to get some Hanaka stuff up in there too :-O

So many boos for the witty wordplay at the end! I don't see what's the dealthough. :P Another good show!


So weird but so entertaining. XD I'm assuming it's a meme I'm missing since it makes no sense but seems to be built around some sort of witty wordy reference. VHS-style credits were a highlight too, accompanied by the synth of the times no less! :D Nostalgia.


Ah the tough responsibilities of being a parent! XD Apart from the baby probably being eternally traumatized by the incredibly violent final fight between mom and dad, all's well that ends well! Though always with a twist. Nice work again. Really capturing the pace with this one too.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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