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Another good batch! :) Think I'll go with the first one again. May the one win. #1. Second was definitely a close contender, and the ideas are all great, though some not as polished animation-wise. Good stuff all of y'all though! Always a pleasure to watch these.


Wasn't expecting to see this here too! :D So awesome you managed to bridge the divide with regard to animated content here too. Hope it gets a ton of views, and like I said on YT already it's a pretty powerful piece. When the run slows down and the text flares heavy in the background... pretty METAL. Heavy moments. A showcase of conviction as the world keeps falling down in the backdrop. Again great work on this, and great to see it here too! Much appreciated Vlad!


Jabun responds:

Cheers again Cyber :D I wasn't originally going to upload here, but the animator convinced me to and I thought it can't hurt XD He really did a GREAT job on the visuals, so I hope lots of people get to see it if not just for that. Powerful images :) Thanks again!

Ends a bit abruptly there! Feels like you're onto something here, but the consistency's a bit off, and the pace feels rushed. The ending joke... is there an ending joke or does it just off there? The script's not bad, it builds alright, but then just... not sure what happens.


Haven't watched GoT so I'll just take your word for it! It is pretty good. Slice of life entertainment and really really well-animated. Could've maybe gone further with the comedy though.


It's a massive one! And not just massive but also impressive. In the details; creative design; madness of it all. With the flickering lights and shadow, the neon splatter, the play on angles and transitions... feels like it took things quite a bit further than the average collab! The sceneries all feel a bit shadowy, but it builds the mood too. Savage and comprehensive. Awesome work all.


kirxee responds:

I've been waiting for this comment x)

Opening night like: opening up! Ah. Got it. And all those little glimpses... really was more than I expected it to be. Introspective and entertaining both, and even more so as expressive as it is.

Feels like I might've learned something from this too.


Thought the 'bad-ass' bit might've been a bit overrepresenting when it started but... it really was pretty thorough! Good battle, with plenty of creative bits towards the end especially, but feels like the camera work could be a bit smoother. Maybe more pictures. Maybe just keeping the camera in the same place, or more pictures in particular when you're trying to do more of a sweeping motion? It's a bit shaky. But otherwise really enjoyed it.


A pretty intriguing universe right from the get-go! Gecko leaders and all. I like the design, the ominous music, the story itself... turned into something more than this it'd be pretty awesome. Ending too: just perfect.

The title, though, seems to lack emphasis. It feels like it could introduce this in a much more powerful way. Maybe it's just the case, but maybe that it just doesn't really capture the story. Which is great. The way that Lizardman's dressed he seems a bit like Piccolo btw. :)

Good stuff. Love the mood.


Had a little bit of doubt with the initial Deadpool jokes, but the rest of it was great! Thorough;entertaining fun, with some lesser known superheroes in the mix too. And John Wick in the Avengers: HELL YEAH! Would love to see that. Hope Marvel's watching this...


Inspiring as always, and impressively LONG. Honestly feels like a bit shorter presentations might be easier to take in, and have time for in one sitting, but maybe it's hard to fit a relevant amount of information into shorter bits. Also does feel like certain expressions don't always sync with what's being said, but understandable those are probably pretty time-consuming to get right.

I definitely believe in the power of the mind, and I'm intrigued by the workings of the collective mind; how it is people can heal at a distance, or remember past lives, speak in languages they don't know, pick out tumors with their bare hands... there's so much about us that we don't really know, that science has not yet proven yet somehow often seeks to disprove more so than explore. When there's profit to be gained I guess. Such a large portion of the scientific world's backed by industries after all. But it's good to see people are really exploring alternate knowledge too. Being beings of light... that'd be pretty cool. Some claim they can survive on nothing but light. Haven't seen any working case study on that yet but it's an inspiring thought.

Curious as to your thoughts on frequencies with regard to the human body. 5G, for example. If you don't have a video on that yet maybe it'd be something to explore. Maybe not the most positive topic, but it seems one at the most relevant point right now. When there's still time to stop it. If you're of similar mind regarding the potential devastating downsides, not just for us but all life on this great green bean we walk on.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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