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Haha, oh man... this reminds me of the old Track & Run games for GBC. Not that they had any comedy... but somehow it all takes me back. Nice animations, random comedy, great voicing, good work!


Ah, I recognize a few clips from this from yesterday's showcase. The combination of music and animation is much better synced with this, when I'm guessing it was all drawn to fit the sound. In a way it's just like the montage, a creative combination of different dreamlike scenes. Nice work!


heycris responds:

Thanks! I'm glad you like it

This is pretty good, a bit hacky graphics but plenty of variation and action. The bullet count feature instead of a killcount, but there's still a lot to improve in this. For starters, some English subs instead of just Spanish! Some more fitting music (not that I don't like speedmetal, but it doesn't flow with the animation that well), and higher FPS in the animation, at least 24. Keep it going!


Whoop. Another great claymation! I like the fact that all the faces are mapped out in this one, instead of just formless clay figures in different colors for all characters... as seems to be tradition. There's a lot more detail in this than I'm used to. In the lip sync, in the scenery (mario in the background lol), even some added animation for effect, but the plot is still spectacularly random! Nice work.


This makes me think of the Rock Out contest just recently... though it's not a game. The character animation's pretty good, but the backgrounds, and even more so all the dialog... that could use some more work! Music works well though, and the moral is: keep dancing. :D Keep it going.


Oh man, I've been watching a few of these recently... but I had no idea they'd been around for this long! Nice to finally skip back and see the first episode. The graphics actually don't seem to have changed much over the years, still the same graphics and everything. Voice acting quality has improved, but as for the jokes... still just as full of surprise and satire... and that laugh. :P Keep it going!


Doesn't seem to be related at all, but the names of the characters make me think of Bonie and Clyde. Great work on the expressions, the titled heads, the eyes popping out like arrows, stuff characteristic of a regular cartoon! Nice work. The one thing I have to complain about is the time it takes before the animation starts, though. I'd almost started to think it was stuck in loading, or bugging, or something. As for the tale, great work!


Heh, a mindless violence claymation with a bit of a plot! That laser was a cool addition, don't think I've seen it used in other Claymations before. Great work on the bloodsplatter, subs, and really smooth stopmotion too. Also, justice at the end! Nice work.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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