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Took a while to really get into it, but after a while... can't stop watching. The unlikely hero is just the right one to lead, and the main protagonist both becoming the main antagonist AND suddenly becoming neither; character roles getting switched up entirely... it shows promise! Hope it turns into a real show, and looking forward to seeing more if it does! The premise builds up nicely. I like the style, not all perfect but characteristic and refreshingly different. It's an alien world, too. Feels like there's room for so many surprises.


That red guy sure has mastered the true arts of walking! XD Love the simplicity with this one. Great humor as always, and not too many characters getting harmed in the process either. Good fun, and good seeing a new character like this every once in a while too!


Another pretty entertaining Game Grumps sketch! XD


An ending in the best way possible. :) And with promise of a sequel.. maybe? I would like to see more mysteries starring this particular duo, but if this is where it truly ends then that's alright too, couldn't think of a better way! Conclusive, charming, and with a little leftover confusion to keep the viewer intrigued even when it's all done. The hand was a nice twist too. XD Wasn't expecting that! But it's suitable.

It really has been getting better and better all season, from the point where I was a little curious over what would happen next to where I'm exhilarated to see the new episode appear; watch it promptly. Right now there's really no other series here on NG with such an effect, so it must be doing a lot of things right. Script-wise, mainly. Everything is great, but the brooding mood and atmospheric build-up is the best part. And the carefully contrived and so colorfully clashing characters, of course, just wouldn't be the same without them!

Great work on this season, and hoping for more if there is more on route! Hint seems to hint like... there might be. It's been a pleasure to follow.


Really happy Yu-Gi-Oh! was NOT made by EA. XD Happy all other games not made for EA are not either made by EA for that matter! Nice one. Awesome voice acting too.


A very literal New Year toast... though honestly I was expecting a Toast pun there. :) Happy New Year though! May it be at least as great as this one's been!


An impressive first! :D Hope to be seeing more like this! I love the battle, voice acting animation and all - it's got the DBZ style down perfectly too apart from those beady eyes. XD Something about them just makes it all seem a bit comical... Vegeta especially. Interesting style though! Nice start of what... seems to be might become a series of epic battles? Hope so!


With superheros dressing up in tight spandex suits you'd really expect there were more moments like this. XD Nice one.


Kuttzie responds:

Thanks so much!

The sound effects don't always follow the sound, some scenes are empty and I'm not sure the music really fits the locale... but it did entrain a little. It's a start! :) Hope you keep polishing; improving; don't rush everything!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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