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Woo, even Minecraft becomes interesting with Clocks in it! I hear it's a game you easily lose track of time with otherwise, lmao. Short, but fun. Actually it'd probably be hellisly boring if it was long, but as a quick sketch like this it just... makes me happy. Clock on!


Alphaman responds:

Your review is actually a review a clock would want. Instead we get hate reviews from wreath and ptsquirrel.

lmao, it speaks the truth, they should make games where every loss corrupts your installation, and serials can only be used for one installation, and each installation has to be verified online, Realism at it's pest. Great animation, voice acting, everything, and a bouncy outro. Keep it going!


It really is a universe, in a metaphorical sense... can't remember cleaning a house ever being this much fun, great work. The space room was a favorite part, Squirtle on second place, haha. The different styles and transitions work great. Keep it up!


Curlypanda responds:

Thanks alot, going to try and work on a few more episodes now and then, so there should be a few more episodes in the future!

Ah, didn't think 5 minutes would fit these many reviews, towards the end it almost started getting a bit monotone. The long review would've been a perfect place to end it IMO, but it was fun to listen to. Not that much focus on typography (would've been fun with more transitions, separate words, etc) either, and a lot of overly intentious slurring on words, but overall, good stuff!


Evil-Dog responds:

totally agree, but I have to finish Road of the Dead 2, that was just a little distraction i wanted to do

I wouldn't be so happy with a YT promo on NG, but that dancing monkey... I mean it is for some greater good, showcasing artists from the community, teaching aspiring artists greater things. :P Nice work, and congrats on what must've been an unexpected daily place!


Seems like all animations like this make me think of The Reward. There certainly are similarities (maybe the music, mostly) but the style of animation is completely different. I like the odd combination of characters that don't look too accomplished and the sense of accomplishment, and it definitely is a swell endeavour, nice work!


jabzinaut responds:

I'm honored that my toon is mentioned in the same sentence as The Reward, it quickly became one of my all-time favorite animations. I actually chose the adventurous track because I was inspired by The Reward! Thanks very much for the view/feedback!

Maybe you should make it a bit clearer that the girl is battling against Lukemia? It's easy to see something's happened, but what that is... that's a mystery unless you first read the description. Feels like there's too much holding-head-in-hands and looking miserables when the girl doesn't even look dead at the end. The music works well, and it does seem a bit sad, but it feels it's not as effectual as it could've been with a backstory before the ending. It's just all... ending. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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