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When this came out I hadn't even read the books, but I have now. :P Not so lifelike reiteration of the main character, but... the animation's entertaining. Your lip syncing could probably be improved a bit (faster, less noticeable tween), and the backgrounds could be more detailed. But the best part is the voice act, it sounds good!


Don't know what this was made with (a game?) but whatever it was it works well. The plot moves forward, and it gets pretty intense quickly, though it looks like it lags a bit at the time of recording? Also, isn't the title Damage Zone? Anyway, keep up the good work!


Oh man, you should put up a seizeure warning for that background! The rest is... lol, awesome. I was expecting something to happen at the end but then it's just over. So... did he make it? :P Keep it going!


Nice FBF animation in this! There's just one headbanging loop to start it off, but a few more jump in after a while. The way they are all combined is just perfect, and all of them so fluent and realistic. It all syns nicely with the song. Nice work!


Not that I recognize most of these characters, but eh... it's a classic. :P Would've been cool with some better quality images though, less qhite backgrounds, stuff like that? Keep it going!


Hehe, cows are fun! But from the looks of this it seems they really can't skate. :P The combination of photos and animation is eh... genius. :) Especially the end. They should have more sports like this in real life... and that Granny BMX idea, is that coming to a Flash animation some day? Keep it going!


A quick watch, but a great watch! Nice backgrounds, attention to atmospheric detail (the rain) and best of all... the battle! The close-up on that one dude's face when his eye turns green looks a bit... tame, but apart from that the effects are awesome. The different angles vary the battle nice, but the winner... that's just too quick man! Keep it going tho.


lmao, best Star Wars parody ever! :D I miss simple stuff like this, taking a regular series and just switching out the theme completely with something completely random. The plot is great, but the graphics... well they could be a bit more refined! As in, no Pivot sticks but actual characters! How about a renovated version of this classic? Keep it up!


Well that was... unexpected. The title pretty much reveals what's about to happen though, kinda... ruined the plot a bit? Maybe change that to something less spoiling? Great animation otherwise, simple fun.


Woo, stickmen killing! The style of filled in faces on regular sticks is pretty cool, and the intensity's just right, fast, but not so fast you don't enjoy all the details. It ends a bit suddenly though, and just fades to black... maybe add some form of button to replay? Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 34, Male




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