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As the seconds counted down at the ending I was thinking these final villains really should've put up more of a fight... but looks like it's not over yet? :O Wonder if there's more on route, and if so how many parts are planned? Getting pretty intense! Again a bit repetitive scenes sometimes, but apart from that it was fantastic! I guess DBZ had those too so it's not all uncalled for. :) Great voice acting and audio too, the latter really builds up the suspense! Hope there's more to come!


sub10 responds:

Thank you very much! And yeah the same frames repeated was a bit of a nod to DBZ's animation style! The main fight will be in parts 3 and 4 so these guys are more like henchmen to the real threat.

A DBZ story told from a new perspective entirely! And the animation's masterful, too, even if some parts feel a bit repetitive. Ends mid-mission, so I suppose the episode was just cut in half to save on size... off to the next one now! So far great work!


sub10 responds:

Thank you very much! And yeah I'm uploading them in parts as I make them!

Well that was nice. :) Feels like the story doesn't really lead anywhere, so I'm wondering if it's in reference to some series/game/movie/something I don't know about? As is, I'm not sure what pun or plotline to derive from it, feels like it ended before it really reached something, but till that point: nice work! Definitely better to upload than let it keep gathering dust. :)


Well that was sad. :( The UHUUHUUHUUYY sound at the end sounded a bit like something out of Mario, and not sure about the voice tones, they're good but not really how I remember them. Animation however: perfection! Nicely done, and glad you averted our gazes for that final shot... it's Christmas after all!


Aaand it all goes blank after the credits too, wonder if that's intentional. :) The line work could be a bit smoother/thinner, the weapon can't be seen that well on the dark background, the one guy's face doesn't turn 'red' exactly and the looped laughing sound was pretty crazy. XD But apart from that it was real fun! Took the comedy a few steps further than I'd expected. It really goes all the way, until the whole world's involved! Nice work.


So that's why Santa always appears only in our dreams. XD Shocking revelations! Bet that Grandma got only coal in her stocking though... nice one. Though I thought the 'silent' part would refer to something more sound-based. Like aloud party going on next door. Next year, maybe? ;) Keep up the great work with these!


So psychotic... but he's got it! The animation's simple, but stylish in its own way, and the music really adds to the atmosphere. The style of voice acting reminds me of NWAR, though not sure which of the two came first... it's effectual, either way! Some more visuals wouldn't be a bad thing, but overall well done.


That lollipop ending. XD Do appreciate the making that arguably most scariest moment of the year a bit more entertaining... albeit with scary tales to back up that entertainment. O_o Might be worth looking up btw: dental care with lasers. No need for Novocaine at all. Painless. Silent. Better for the teeth too. It's the future! Nice (very detailed too) sketch.


Oh, Sucho! Didn't know her and Harry had a thing! Learned a lot here, and above all it was an entertaining ramble, complete with sometimes relevant and sometimes seemingly random animation showcases in the background from certain shows I recognize and others I probably need to see. Much appreciate making this thing! Not too long; never dull. Great documentary.


Avonom responds:

I am pleased that you appreciated this documentary mate. I learnt a lot from it as well and I've been a fan of Harry's for nearly 10 years! Definitely check out all his work if you get the chance. Thanks again Cyber.

Random hybrids somehow always end up the most entertaining! XD For a moment in the beginning I thought they were speaking French though, just something about that name... or maybe it's a French name hmm. Entertaining stuff!


dianinhas responds:

Thank you so much :)
For the names, I tried messing around with how Japanese people usually say -san, -ku, -sensei, -sama, etc, at the end of a person's name. I do have a bit of a Portuguese accent, so maybe that came out on the voices as well? French and Portuguese languages are a bit similar xD

Bamboo Shoots!

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