
13,891 Movie Reviews

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Well this was an easier tutorial than most. Nice idea having the walkcycles first portrayed just as animations, with the ability to stop, move between stages, and see the character in both sketch, outlined sketch and final version. You learn a lot just by watching. Nice work!


Awesome work! Stickman carnage at it's finest. There's plenty of variation, plenty of intensity, great sound effects, music, and tons o death! Just like it should be. Nice work!


Aniother great Skullhead episode, this time with a bit more foody material. :) Of course we all knew it would end with Skullhead in someway, metaphorically, being toasted. :P Keep it going!


First sport of many, I hope? Baseball and Skullhead seems like the perfect combination, simple fun as always, with a lightly-paced piece of punful entertainment. Nice work!


Woot. Great music (anything by PX9 is awesome), and some pretty intense animation to back it up. The transitions aren't quite as fast as the music it, and maybe not always that fitting considering this is less action than it's experimental (and the music is definitely a track you connect to action), but... it was an interesting piece to watch! Wonder what it all means? Does it mean anything? Random series of animational attempts and experiments?


Well this turned out pretty well! Simple and stylish, and with one of the greatest tracks ever made to back it up. The transitions are pretty cool and experimental, simple and still graphically entertaining. I like it when the FBF kicks in too, that's a real highlight. Could be more! Just one thing to improve: make the 'Play' text clickable, I didn't realize it was actually pointing at the circle. A bigger hit area would solve that easily. Keep it going!


Woo, just as we stand our New Ground! :) It took a while before the animation kicked off (lot of dark backgrounds; slow texts), but once it does it's intense all the way. Not sure I like the linear camera effects, but apart from that it's well-done, good transitions, graphics and effects. It is a bit slow at times, but overall, great work!


Well this was... trippy. The background/music combo is pretty cool, but I was waiting for some change, not just a continual flash. I wonder if this was made with a promotional intent or really to showcase something?

That's a lot of people involved in this animation! I like the introductory twist, much better than the 20th Century Fox one, especially the music. :D The rest of the animation flows on in an everyday fasion, jumping from one character to another, moving between scenes with such fluency it's like it's all connected (which, well it is). Everyone goes through some form of adventure and then it all ends in the coach, like one big happy... family? Well except for that other guy. You'd think such an end would bring down the mood, but it's more like... aw, well, that's a shame, but it's still pretty OK! Great work at maintaining an entertaining atmosphere for so long, all with the same track looping in the background. Nice work!


Haha, he's late for work. It starts off great, pun, introduction and then straight to the case with clams and carrots. Not sure if I maybe didn't pay attention to the details as much in the last episode, but it seems to me that there are a lot more textures in this episode, on faces, surroundings; everything. If it is new then that's a great improvement. Keep it up!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 34, Male




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