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Awesome compilation of awesome animations! It feels like it's not always perfectly synced with the music when it's supposed to be (people walking, dancing, etc), but that's a minor issue. Still lots of variation and entertainment. Great work!


heycris responds:

thanks :))

It wasn't very long, but it was great. Just the right mixture of professional randomousity, fluent animation and strong personalities. It looks like this ends just when things are about to start though, it's almost like it's just a... trailer! O_o Looking forward to the action!


Awesome. Another masterpiece of sprite animation, with some regular animation in the miz. It feels like a long time since I saw the first part of this, must've taken a lot of time to make. Great effects, great choice of sprites, great action. The dialog looks much better too, nice work!


TechLeSSWaYz responds:

Thanks CD, I appreciate your kind words!

Happiest song about death ever. :D How'd you come up with the idea for this? Great music, great animation, great finalé (justice, finally!) but the lyrics... could be a bit catchier. Maybe it's the voice, IDK, but it's just not a song I'll remember more than the chorus of. Keep it going tho!


It starts off awesome.. and then it turns into a shitty kids story, lmao, literally. I love the twist, and the attention to small comical details like the 'This is a flower' painting, Valkor holding the book upside down, the sound of broken glass when the kid's thrown out of the picture... all of that really adds to the entertainment. Nice work!


thekillzar responds:

Haha, thanks man! I love putting in minor details like that to catch the audience's attention. Personally, I love attention-grabbing objects and scenery that distract viewers from the main scene. And sound effects are really important for events like that. It gives the actions of characters and objects more significance and "oomph". Thanks for watching!

Haha, that's what happens with friends as soon as you turn your back. Better keep a close watch. Hilarious plot, quick and fluent animation, music that fits the mood... a nice and twisted toon overall. Keep up the good work!


kalabor106 responds:

Agree its pretty twisted.

A worthy tribute. Animation as eh... as it's always been, defensively gross and grossly offensive, with atmospheric music to back it up. The last clip actually seemed to be more like a usual tribute would be, the first was gross, the second offensive, so overall this has everything an SS animation should have. RIP Humungus!


Haha, what a crazy bunch of people they are. Great combination of fictional tales, and great work at making it look just like the real thing. Voice acting, animation and everything is just hilarious. Keep it going!


Hehe, the idea is genius, the voice acting and animation could use a tune-up. At it's core though this is perfectly acted out, just need to revamp the graphics. Less sticks, more scenery, less white text on black background, more explosions and special effects. This could be the greatest commercial ever, keep it going!


Can you ever get enough of Anime? lmao, this was awesome, it spirals out of control a bit. I thought there'd just be death and carnage after the initial knife in the forehead, but it turned into... something else. Nice work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 34, Male




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