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This definately deserved/s a daily place at least, unless it was one of those days where tons of masterpieces manifest at the same time. But then again it is the first episode of a new series by a still relatively unknown artist, so popularity will no doubt pick up soon! Can't say the title is the most captivating, but once you start watching it is plenty entertaining.

I liked the fact that everything in the introduction rhymed, and after that it's just like a regular cartoon. Mostly entertaining, occasionally a bit slow, so far without any incredibly exciting plot developments or laughable puns, but it's all well put-together; I'll be looking forward to the next ep!


WeirdoGoon responds:

Thanks a lot! Yeah, unfortunately it got uploaded the same time as Happy Harry and Sexy Lobster so it was over-shadowed. Thanks for watching, I think you will like the 2nd ep a lot, things will pick up!

What a crazy ending... shame, almost... an interactive choice right after the window revelation, letting the character either join in on the demonic ritual and stand united with the fictional love of his life upon the snake god, or... fall out of the tree and let the world - would be cool. Either way though, the surprise is part of what makes this great. The other part, is the comedial genius leading upto that point. It's all about those eyes! And other things. As always, great work!


Sexual-Lobster responds:


Well that was... sad. At the end, when she's out of the picture and just in an old picture... it's like she's dead. But considering you made this for her birthday surely that wasn't your intention? Up until that point it was pretty good, plenty of feeling in it, but the end's a bit confusing. Keep it going!


Genius. :) What's not very genius is the character in this animation. Like... she could've just moved the can instead on giving up on that gardening saw (whatever they're called) when the cable didn't reach far enough. It's a short and sweet animation though, the pun overall is great, but the path towards it could've been more intense than it was. The expression lies in the body as well as the face, it seems like that's where it's always pinned in this, more movement would only be an improvement. Keep it going!


Woah, a full three-dimensional animation on NG, that's a treat! I wouldn't be surprised if you get scooped up by some studio like Pixar. The physics aren't alays the best (when he's running it looks like he's gliding), and the motions not completely realistic, but it's a great start. Simple, wordlress, plot too. Keep it going!


Hehe, up until the heart bounces away it was light-hearted comedy... after that, it's not for the faint of heart. :P Crazy. First time I watched this btw I thought that his hands were cut off at the end, but apparantely that's how it looks when he's making fists. Maybe work some on the hands? It's the hardest part, but does a lot. Mostly looks great though, despite the simplicity. Keep it going!


Hey, blue and yelow, the best combination of colors in the world! :D I was thinking maybe you'd be Swedish, but it seems not. Either way though it's a both stylish and entertaining animation, all without harm... except maybe to animals. Nice work!


Seems like I've been away from cartoons for too long, plenty of things going on in the cartoon world! This was a both entertaining and educational watch. Nothing like a little rant with contained wisdom. Reminds me of Foamy a bit, hmm... inspiration? Either way I'll be looking forward to the next ep. Keep it going!


What cute style of animation! It's like Paper Mario (ironically with SEGA characters, I think, at least one). It's an obvious pick for a brutal savage piece of animation like this turned out to be, lmao. Not sure what happens at the end but... that was interesting. Maybe I should play Sonic Adventureland 2...


Mosamabindrawin responds:

I love paper mario! Its one of my favorite games! and you should play sonic adventure 2 just for the chao!

Bamboo Shoots!

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