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So atmospheric; beautiful. Great work of making an animation out of mostly still artwork. It seems a lot more detailed that way, than it would have done if everything was animated. Good music, good everything! Keep it up.


This could use some voice acting to fit the subtitles/speech, but apart from that... it's just perfect. Incredibly fluent motion and sound, and best of all, there's a ton of action init! It's a rush from start to finish, minus half a minute of speech at the beginning. Great blood splatter, smoke, angles, motion, everything. And the best thing about it is that it looks like pure FBF, no fake effects or modelling, yet it's all in 3D. Really, really nice work!


Hahahaa, this is just hilarious! :D I say.. milk. I guess accents vary. When the guns pop up is where it really spirals out of control though, that's just... insane. I usually don't like shaky cam, but just this once it had a good use. What's up with the Chinese (or other Asian language, I'm no expert) subtitles btw? I'd think a lingual thing like this isn't easy to translate, so... that's just for fun? Nice work!


Woo, much better than the TMNT! :D At least, better than their last game. Haha, this is just genius... short and... brutally sweet. Keep it going!


The fox is the silent type. :P Well, he was, until this thing turned into an entire music video. Awesome work, animation, idea, everything. What a happy ending! :D


Crumbs, hmm, not too crumby! And it seems this a series too, I'll be looking forward to future episodes! One odd aspect of this is that the crumbs aren't actually harmed by the fizz. I mean, shouldn't they get soggy and die... or something? Also wondering how you made that effect at the end, After Effects? Nice work!


Haha, the Indian/Indian is confusing indeed. :D The comedy factor is all Louis CK's credit, but the animation does lift it up pretty well. Nice transitions and settings, and the end... well that's a perfect place to end it. Nice work!


Beautiful. Don't know what else to say about it, the animation didn't need speech to describe it; more to describe it would seem reduntant. All aspects are just perfects, though maybe the underarms are a bit too thick, they make me think of Popeye all the time which kinda ruins the atmosphere just a little. Otherwise, great work!


Mogly responds:

Yeah, the forearms were defiantly an obscure homage to Popeye. Ha. The reason basically was I wanted to show that the man had lived a lifetime as a grafter, a labourer. He still had that built up strength, only now, with his age, he had become frail and shaky. I still wanted him to have the conviction of his youth, but with the truth of his present ability.

In other words I thought it looked funny. Ha.

Ta for the review buddy

This is a nice loop, the clouds floating by, the tree withering, the snow piling up, the grass changing nuance. Now, how about adding some music/meaning/etc? Keep it going!


Oh man, what a crazy trip! Great animation, perfect music for it, and voice acting that could... have been a bit more intense sometimes. Overall though it was entertaining all the way. One question, where's that sword from? Doesn't look like it was made specifically for this... I'm guessing some game? Keep up the good work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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