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Well that preloader was... random. I thought it was loaded when it was loaded, so I wonder what all those numbers signify, hmm... the animation is great though, plenty of detail in the backgrounds, the transitions, and most of all in the objects. It's all fastpaced and perfectly synced to the sound, and best of all, it's pretty much all raw FBF! With a few photographic/effectual exceptions. Great work, and a real trip to watch!


Well this was a twist to the classic tale of destruction, a real boss battle between a simple underling and the master plumber. :) Smooth animation, plenty of variation, occasional transformation, good camera panning, level switches... and that end, lmao. Glad to see Luigi make a guest appearance too, nice work!


Crazy shit's going down in space! A speech, a flashback, and then.. back to the action! This is turning into a real soap opera. Keep it going!


Slowly but steadily my views on Minecraft are being altered, this is getting pretty exciting! Great voice acting, great animation; a soup opera-ish plot development that entertains plenty. There's not so much happening as there is talking, but the characters all have distinct personalities and plenty to say, at least that one guy whom I don't recall hearing the name of. Actually, I can't recall any names being mentioned, hard to know who's who. Keep it going though!


Hahaha, that poor programmer! :D Makes it all the funnier when it's something you can relate to, too. I liked the various conspiracy theories, and the crime scenario. It's a bit different from the previously mostly random plots. Nice work!


This was a nice adventure, fluidly animated and always with a pretty laid back pace even though there's stuff going on all the time. I'm not familiar with any of the myths you mention, and probably not any myths included either since that's more based on culture than lingual knowledge, and this is an international place so... it might've made more sense I did familiarize myself with those. Either way though it was a fun watch, great animation and voice acting as always, and long! Great to hear we get the first show too. :D


Hmm, aha, so that's how great artists create their masterfully minced sets of unique personalities! Ironaically you have a pretty unique style of animation for this, but it was a fun watch, the eating up the poster, Paint, hehe, after that I don't really get what's going on though. How did she blow up? :/ Keep it going!


Haha, cute and awesome. And the moral of this story is: people should quit using their cellphones all the time! Walking around with their dogs speaking on the cell, walking around with little kids speaking on a cell, walking around amongst other people all just speaking on a cell. It's like they're all living in a cell. :P Anyway, great animation!


This was awesonme. Started out simple, and just got more and more intense. The beatboxing was great, and the animation to back it up made it way more entertaining than the real thing. My favorite parts are those hand movements, really nice panning effects and just... crazy hands! Considering how peaceful everything was the ending was somehow unnecessarily brutal, but it's all good, great work on making a beatbox battle like no other! You should definitely do something with Eminem's Brain Damage track sometime, btw.


Aw, Jawa's such a kind character! So caring and considerate! So putty and predictable! I feel sorry for that desert gnome... but ah well, it was for the sake of entertainment after all. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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