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And the faster he goes the faster he goes! Like a hamster in his... whatever that thing they usually run in was called... nicely done. The frame-by-frame work is fantastic as always, and a simple theme + small space + good music + an unfortunate stick figure seems to be a surefire formula for success each time! Nice works.


So this was how it all started. :) And you'd think a blob was harmless too, just soft and squishy and enveloping! This seems more like unstoppable force of nature, whatever mass it might be made out of... not a portal after all, huh.

Also seems you really have a thing for small and enclosed spaces! Another short nicely done.


Was just waiting for the purple guy to get up in the end there, and get out victorious...

Oh well, it's another melancholy ending nicely done! Unexpected twists, and sad how all that starts so great and full of friendship derails to a senseless bout of violence like this, one after the other dying along the way... it's a sad path, but so creatively portrayed.


Well at least the blue guy made it out OK! :D Seems like a lethal blog, that blog... though who knows, maybe it's just a portal to another world! A better place! Positive thinking. Nice short.


Big, high-reaching dreams and goals... all of them crushed by an old lady. :) And all ends with a single, morbid thought. Keeping it with that cynical humorous style! Another nice piece.


Pretty quick indeed, but so smooth! You'd think at least one of them would manage to find a way to the bottom, or a way to stay at the top, maybe the pink guy's actually curled up safe and snuggled in that upper corner hmm... nice short.


Do wonder what'll happen to Keith Reynolds after that final scene! Might be the start of a long fall... was expecting the janitor to maybe throw a bucket of trash out the window, like a twist on karma after the earlier cup of coffee thrown out ditto... but I'm glad it ends with ambiguity. Any which way you imagine it... or with a sequel?

Love how all is presented, with classy narrative, elevator music, simplicity and wit... and stick figures with such complex characters and office details! The style's both simple and amazing, and just the elevator movement within a building feels so... polished. Come to think of it that earlier Water short seemed a lot like a small; confined space too, like an elevator... and for a moment here I was thinking that would be where all the action took place. Which it did, but I imagined it would stay there. Possible stuck between two floors.

It turned out for the better though, in all the worse ways possible! Amazing work.


FelixMassie responds:

Thanks a lot for the nice review :)

Until I read the description I didn't really follow... it was morbid and eerie, but I wondered if the different 'chapters' were related or separate, if they told tales from the same persons life, or different ones... if it was about a meeting or a parting, about the trauma caused by the dog, a bad dream, something else... the description explains a lot, yet after imagining so many other things I feel like a 'mysterious predator and lonely witch' feels a too fictional route. Like it could have had more depth. Thought I was onto something big, but in the end it was more based on the visuals than I expected...

Voice acting might have been good indeed, to push the story, though on the other hand I feel the silent way really builds the mood. The atmosphere here is pretty special. Brooding. Gloomy. Lonely. Voices might break that impression... and I did like the visuals! Nicely done overall, all that's really missing is the red thread, for better or not.


sadtape responds:

I'm really happy read this. The description I gave is more simplistic and literal than I'd like, but I thought I might give at least a few details just to get people going on the plot if needed. There were all sorts of themes of trauma, loneliness, and guilt I wanted to touch on, though I'm still learning as a storyteller. I really appreciate your feedback.

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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