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A snowy, season-relevant Pencilmation short. :) Harmless and relatable too... well, at least in the first phase of animation. :) Good stuff.


You would've thought the interior of those rooms would've been clue enough. :P And the beginning, him just standing around there looking at the camera rather than actually chasing after a bathroom... kinda inco9nsistent premise! The idea's good, but eh... not really running the best wit with this one. Ah well, good show.


They seem to be building quite a bond there! :) Though that random guy in the background who suddenly says he has to go... wonder what he was doing there in the first place... maybe it'd all make sense with the first part!

Was assuming this would be a bit of a twist on the classic Of Mice and Men. but seems like all original work? Either that or I'm really forgetting the content of my classics, but I like the title, intentional spin-off wit or no. Looking forward to the next part!


Bertn1991 responds:

Thank you very much as always. Yep, they're fun to write for. I think they work well together :)

That random shirtless guy is a really stupid drawing I did back in 2011 that I keep putting in animations for some reason. He wasn't even in the script. I just put him in as a gag. He's not part of the story, I promise.

The title was a twist on Of Mice and Men, but nothing more. The rest was completely original.

Glad you hear you're looking forward to the next part of the story. Thanks for watching <3

Such solidity! That hat must've been made of metal. :) We never do learn how it would've turned out had he aimed for any other part of his body, or actually had a pair of functioning guns... since it's all Pencilmation though I guess he would have survived no matter what. :)

Animation and voice acting's spot-on as always, and the comedy's great, though feels like it could've ended in a wittier way. Like maybe: he laughs so hard he accidentally swallows his cigar (was kind of expecting that when his head was pointing up at the clouds, cigar just sort of hanging in the air there), and the Blue guy miraculously wins and locks him up in that time... or if during the encounter phase you would've zoomed out from the running animation to show the blue guy after a while running in the wrong way; the red guy chasing him... feels like there was potential for more!

A bit better scripting and this would've been perfect, but it did entertain! Good ol' harmless (well, sort of) fun.


It ends a bit suddenly there... was thinking we'd at least get a peek of the new hero before the credits start to roll, but that final chapter message took some time to fade aaand then it was over... it has potential, but felt a bit cut-off! Hope it picks up well in the second one!

In terms of voice acting and animation it's good, though characters are all pretty static, hope there'll be some more movement later on too. Also bit inconsistent eye style. On TV they had a totally different style than in the second scene, I was just thinking it was a pretty unique approach, bit like LegendaryFrog, but then came the normal ones... either way, looking forward to what comes next! So far so good!


NorthStream responds:

Thanks for taking the time to watch and review. I have a very special introduction for my hero which is why I didn’t want to have him in this episode. The opening line for the first episode with the hero will be “today is the day the Invincible Man died.” His introduction is actually his dead scene

Well that was random. XD Short but genius. Nice one.


Beautiful song, and a smooth like animatiac to go with it! Nice work.


cecameron responds:

Many thanks :D

Looks like a promising comic! :) Really smooth animation too, water as fluent as any of the rest of it, and the main character expressive in an easy way. Good fun!


cecameron responds:

Why thank ya!

Seems like you've come a long way since these days! XD Or... at least I hope you have? What a life to life. Though definitely made for the most entertaining sketch in a long time.

Also I hear that back in the day when toilet paper didn't even exist they got by just fine with telephone catalogs and newspapers. Feel free to add that to your book! ;) Good stuff.


Bamboo Shoots!

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