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Well that was... random. :P I wonder what a full of movie of Rambi would turn out like... that voice didn't really suit his appearnace until... oh wait, it does suit his appearance! His matter of acting though, that's something else. Short; entertaining!


WooleyWorld responds:

I need to fix his voice, for sure.

Hehe, crazy. The mixture of real backgrounds and animated character's a nice change of style, the graphics are simple as always but the animation itself is fluent and the plot progresses swiftly. Nice work!


Hmm, I thought I posted a review for this already... did you repost it or something? It's a trippy animation, fluidly animated, with a perfect suite of music to trip it up even more. The best part is definitely the preloader though, another seemless loop, though much more appealing. :P Keep it going!


Well that was... that was random. The animation's OK, but I have no idea what it's about, and then it all... ends. Would nice with some form of plot development, or a joke at the end. Just some form of finale! As it is, it ends where it started, and it doesn't even loop. :/ Keep it going though!


Haha, he had it coming! I definately wasn't expecting the shitstorm at the end though... great animation, great voice acting, great humor!


As things began to get heated, I was expecting some form of comedy, but it turns out that was just a way to let the viewers familiarize themselves with the characters. Great way of making the end all the more tragic, much sadder than I'd expected it to bt, but all the same... a beautiful story.


Woo, a realistic scenario, easy to relate to... something that could happen to anyone. O_o Its the perfect thing for halloween! Not really creepy, but crazy in a great way. Keep it going!


So this is what the world of Warcraft looks like. :) Can't say I've much experience with the series, but this was well-done, a stylishly animated short of the war and it's sudden end... all in a perfect loop!


Great stuff! I think the 3D animation works great for some thinks, like character expression and scenes were there's not so much movement, like the hilarious dance scene, but for other parts it doesn't work that well. Motions aren't always that realistic, and the rock scene especially looked a bit ridiculous the way they all just moved around each other in the air. I think there's potential for it though! How about mixing 2D with 3D, like they do in most modern anime, at a point where you usually don't notice which is which? Well maybe I'm asking too much for a privately funded operation. :) This was great though, long and entertaining all the way though, and I'm looking forward to the next one!


Kel-chan responds:

yah...it would be nice to merge them but its alot of work for one person for a flash that nobody's gonna watch

Bamboo Shoots!

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