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So the king has returned! :D Life in Kingdom seems calm and ordinary... until the news broadcaster brings forebodings of a looming menace. As always there's the occasional random comedy occurrence, like the bag of chips (definite favorite), car joke, cake burning, ugly photo... all neatly integrated with the otherwise pretty resourcefully calm plot. The animation's fluent, the pace isn't hectic but still not too slow to not captivate all the way through, and that hobo eating burgers... that was an interesting break. :P Bit of a different style too, without outlines and stuff. Music seems to pitch in at all the right places, though it was pitched out a bit early at the end. Until the next one!


MistyE responds:

Thanks for the review!

Well the idea's good, but it doesn't seem you can actually do anything except play and rewind. Looking forward to the finished thing!


Things are getting interesting! Feels like the animation moves a bit slowly somehow, much time's spent just riding in the square blob, much time's spent running; talking. And the other random characters just disappear. It's fun to watch but not very intense, keep it going!


I guess this goes to proove you can make animated interactions fun to watch even without real dialog. The pop-up sound of each speech bubble is pretty entertaining somehow, and the venture into Pokemon world was a fun event. Haven't played X/Y so the interface looks all new to me, but it's good to see it maintains the classy classic battle format. Nice work!


The character style reminds me of Snoopy somehow, but the plit is something completely different! Nice Mission Impossible element and a... pretty random plot otherwise. No idea what really happens at the end but wth, it was a fun watch!


The idea is pretty cool, but I was expecting more from this. A wider arena, for one, with plenty of space for them in-game life-size bullets, and more of a chase-like action. Still, Luigi's appearance is a nice piece of entertainment, as is the interactive finale. Keep it up!


This was a pretty cool mesh of experimental FBF animation, some of it sketchy, some of it colored in and flawless. The music's rather fast too shift, bit too fast, but it's all good music (was surprised to hear the Naruto outro at the start too, nice choice!). Some of these animations seem a bit low on FPS, especially towards the end, but apart from that it's all good. Nice compilation!


This was a pretty interesting style of animation, without outlines, with so many different sectors on the bodies, all with gradients of their own... must've been tough for Flash to handle! Love the details on teeth and faces particularly, the only thing that's really simple are the backgrounds, but it's still all sleek and visual. And plenty of vontent! It's a bit off how the music fades in and out, none of it seemingly relevant (though it's all awesome music), the switches between styles specifically is a bit odd, and sudden, and it's really the same thing with some transitions between scenes, but graphically... it's a work of art! The ice scene especially, that one's real awesome. Keep it going!


At the start I was thinking this really needs some sound effects, but when the music kicks in that's really no issue any longer. The background drawings at the start are overly simple, but after that the quality seems to increase exponentially. Great transitions; effects on speed, powerbeams, etc. Gundams! Woot. Keep it up!


The bad English might actually add more than it takes away, it feels like the character comes from a faraway place with that accent. Other voice acts are even better though, and it's all followed up by a pretty much flawless soundtrack. And the animation... woah! I can't believe this missed out on a daily award! It should be rolling with the best of them. The screen size is tiny, but that's just because of filesize limitations... the animation itself is real awesome. Hoping to see more like this!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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