
13,874 Movie Reviews

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Now this is something you wouldn't see in a regular episode. It's like a final voyage through the scenes of life, memories fluttering by in the wake of a terrible decision. Great graphics, fluid animation and sounds that enforce the moody atmosphere. Great tribute!


This was awesome, it's like a real movie! Real professional quality, in the motions, the textures, the voices and events and graphical effects. It's not something you normally see at NG. Great work! As for the ending, I was imagining the orb was what kept her hovering at first, and when she let go it was obvious something bad was going to happen... but maybe she'd fall anyway. Either way, the end leaves you thinking, wondering what could happen. She does catch up to it so... maybe there's a happy ending after all. Great work!


Haha. this is just genius. That gritty background texture, the smooth Pumpkin animation, subtle music playing in the background. Masterpiece. :) And to think you managed to fetch information from so many people and combine it in such a wholesome display of creative simplicity. Nice work!


Great to finally see this in finished form. :) Didn't realize there were so many stories included either, been reading through them today. Probably the third time I watch through all the animations, bit I just gotta say that Cyberdevilian piece is just incredible. :P Lots of great stuff in here, and a good b alanace between shorts and simple and pretty elaborate pieces. Shame VikeVince's piece couldn't be included, but ah well.. maybe next year the collab will be so huge it can be submitted in two parts with place for everyone. :P Nice work everybody!


I was expecting something with Clocks. :P This was awesome though, looks like a set of interesting characters are gathering, both friends and foes, but it's still not really clear which team is which. All these lose ends keep me looking forward to the next episode. Great voice acting, swift animation and plenty of detail in the sceneries. Keep it going!


Haha, so random. With such a meeting of supercharacters I was expecting a showdown like no other, a battle of epic proportions, an office adventure of which the likes had never before been seen! But it was fun, nice pun, and as always incredibly fluid animation. Keep it going!


Sexual-Lobster responds:


Haha, what an awesome combination. :D Not just the voice and character, but the living background along with the animated actors. Great work!


So... no brutal death? I was expecting something such at the end. That's a great voice act btw, full of emotion and power! Fun animation, but it's the surprising voicing that really makes it what it is. Keep it going!


Man that was crazy. O_o Reminds me of the scene in Ghosts of Mars where that dude accidentally chops his thumb off, kinda disturbing. The idea's genius though, and the fight scene incredibly smooth. Keep it going!

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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