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A bit too much spice I guess. :P That contemplation process was... random. Great voice acting; animation, and the plot was... well was there a plot? Nice surprise finish. Keep it going!


Nice fight! The motions are all very swift and fluid... though that final jump looks a bit odd, not in how the camera is angled but rather how it moves along the way, not taking in the ground view from the start, maybe. I like the textured style of drawing, sound effects and ambient scenery sound, it all works well. Keep up the good work!


Whatever it is that's coming, I'm looking forward to it! Slick animation, exotic music and a man character that differs from the norm. Also reminds me a bit of Samurai Jack in the style of color, and that's a series I love so... this is going to be great! :D


Awesome finale! I can't recall watching the first two episodes though so I guess I need to get back and watch those to really make sense of this... but it sounds like it's about time this came out. :P The animation is great, smooth and simple, though the introductory flight raised my expectations almost too high. Love the sketchy style of the bird, but the simplicity that follows... works too. And there's a moral to the story after it's all over, friendship! Everlasting. Hope you'll keep animating even after this is over!


Poor Skeleboneman man. :/ It was a fun watch though, and I like the changed style of animation, seems like the perfect fit for Halloween too. Wonder if those are animated hand-drawn character cut-outs or if it's all digital? Keep it going!


Brewster responds:

Thanks! Everything but the mouths were hand drawn on paper. The mouths and the animation were done in flash.

So the mystery of the scarewcrow is explained, but what about that sack of flower! Beautiful animation, and the simplest idea to build up atmosphere. Nice work!


Haha, that's got to be the most elaborately laid out trap ever made... and of course it all ends with the first obstacle. :) I was hoping Villiany would've somehow managed to solve his problem by the time the trap had been explained though, a screw loose or something... but either way this was a fun watch. Keep it going!


Imagine if you could using actionscript randomize the color of that main character so that each time the animation loops it appears like it's actually a different person ready to consume those noodles. :) This was an awesome animation, quick, fluid and just geniusly done. Not very spooky but it is pretty Halloween-befitting. Keep up the great work!


Butzbo responds:

Heh, that's a cool idea, it's also one thing that would certainly make a great reason to keep sticking to flash instead of regular video for more unexpected animations.
Heh, I had it finished around Halloween, but I guess It could've been a bit spookier to fit the theme, hahah.

After taking a few moments to appreciate that loop, I'm ready to leave a review on this viewable view, and it's going to be astute. There are no markable flaws, not even a ton, just a quick intro and a punchline pun. Keep it going!


WooleyWorld responds:

w00t w00t.
Thanks, CyberD.

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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