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Dark humor at its best! I was expecting the final scene as soon as the 'It's all in your mind' notes popped up... intentional clue? Though when he was locked up in a cell I thought that'd somehow be the end of it. Wonder if the imaginary friend is more than just a figment of imagination though... maybe an alien, or a ghost, or something... doesn't seem that imaginary after all. Great work!


MisterHerbal responds:

Thanks for your great feedback! This ''Imaginary'' friend is indeed a mystery, I questioned his nature myself while creating him if that helps. I like to let my characters have their own persona, and show me who they are rather than make them something I want. I do it unconsciously really. As for who the little purple bugger is, you're right, he might be anything of those but to our dear lost friend, it was his imaginary friend since he was born, wether it was an alien or a ghost. Thanks for the comment! :)

This way spookier than I'd imagined! The way you build up the suspense with the subtlest details is great. I thought it was moving rather slow at first, but apparently that slowness didn't hinder the tension. At the end though, I'd rather you'd cut the movie before the creature appeared, it would've been much scarier not knowing if there really was anything behind the door, if it was just a dream or... something more. Also, why 12? 3 is the demon hour. Setting those minor details aside this was a fantastic watch, keep it going!


Really awesome work on the sound effects and voices! The animation itself shouldn't be that spooky with these slick animated game-type figures but it still manages to really bring out some Halloween atmosphere, the zombies at the dudes heels, the deep breathng.. it's pretty tense! Great work!


ChomPet responds:

We're glad you liked it! Watch more of our original animations on www.StreamEngine.tv! :)

Wonder which game that AK texture's from? :P This was a good watch, nothing spectacularly hilarious but still entertaining all the way. Love the stairwell introduction music, wonder how it would be like with more speechless sequences like that mixed in with the regular animation? Keep up the good work; Happy Halloween!


At least one survived! What a work of art this was. Just the clash between demons and humans would've been something unique in itself, the way it twists, but the creative way in which all the demons are portrayed really enhances the story, jumping inside out, punching each other, eating each other from the inside, morphing shapes, just swinging around and being sinisterly merry... at the end they're the ones you feel sorry for. Great animation, great synchronization with the music, and most of all a great idea! This is something I can see myself going back to on a yearly basis. Happy Halloween!


Oh man, that ending! :D This is probably my favorite Brain Dead episode yet, not just because the theme just fits perfectly with the occasion, but with how the panic is portrayed, every scene is hilarious. The sleepy/zombie part was a bit easy to predict, but after that nothing really goes as planned (well I was expecting something with that reported, but not the samething that was). Great work; Happy Halloween!


Just a regular round of trick or treating huh. :P Entertaining conversations, a crazily absurd plotline and really perfect voice acting... specially for the kids! Wonder how another type of door opener would react though, this could turn into a series... keep it going!


Woo, another crazy episode! :D Nice twist with the detective drama in this one, feels like a much more extensive episode than the usual in its lack of complete randomness and hopping plotline. Keep up the great work!


Really wasn't expecting that ending! What a.. strange situation. Great voice acting and animation, and as for the plot well uh, yeah, oldskool hidden camera? Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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