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This should be tagged for the Halloween contest. :D Great work on the graphics, the dude looking down into the hole, the creepy eh... uhm... JigglyPuff at the end (need to play Pokemon soon, I'm forgetting names!), it's all great. Music goes well with it, and the animation is smooth and fluent. Nice work!


What an awesome dance, just so swift and... nice. Their expressions at the start led me to believe something else was going down, but yeah I'm glad it didn't. This is just perfect, perfect music too. Great work!


Haha, great expressions... simple, short, fun to watch! The animation's really smooth too. The ending gets an added dimension if you speak Swedish btw, since fan is a word used to convey anger towards something. Had to check your profile to see if that was just coincidence or not. :P Nice work!


Aqlex responds:

Thank you! I was aiming for simple, smooth, and fun. And I do NOT speak Swedish (I got a bit of Czech though) so that's definitely an interesting coincidence. Maybe I just subconciously know what I'm doing! Anyway, thanks for the review! I hope to produce more!

Haha, awesome! Some people are ashamed of their old stuff, but I'm glad you're showing the world how you can make the most out of anything! The contrast between animation quality at beginning/end just makes it all the better, and the sequence between was masterfully animated too. And that voice acting - it's on a cinematic level. Great work!


Woo, funky! And when Diddy starts twerking, lmao... justice! Great idea, backgrounds, music, everything. Keep it going!


SenilChris responds:

Awesome thanks! =D

Haha, awesome idea. This reminds me a bit of Poninjas, though it's really a pretty unique character assemble. The animation's pretty smooth, but you could work some more on the character design, maybe outline them with a brush so the lines aren't so stiff? Same thing for the scenery. There's a lot of variation though, a long animation. Nice work!


This was an inspiring watch! At the start I was thinking oh man this animation looks like shit... but the words are a journey of their own. The drawings keep it company, and the beat backs it up... and in the end it made me stop and think... that I should try making something like this. :P Great mix of poetry and motion, even though the FBF could have been a bit more detailed. Keep it going!


This is just genius... great animation and voice acting, and no filler, just the one daily idea. Recorded message at the end was an added bonus. I guess underdog and weekly's next huh? :P Keep it going!


WooleyWorld responds:

LOLOLOL WEEKLY. NG will explode before this gets weekly!

But thanks for the words, I appreciate it.

Awesome mesh of action! Plenty of variation, in characters, weapons, effects.. and the action itself never stops. Keeping everything free from blood was a rather unique decision, but it worked well. Everything's sleek and professional, both animation and typography. Great work!


Yeah, they should definitely make something like this. :D It'd sell, guaranteed! No doubt the company image would change a bit, probably not to their liking, but it's all about profit right. :P Great animation; idea! I'm surprised nobody's made something like this earlier. Doesn't need to be wireless either. :)


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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