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Guess that card might not have had the required credit! Helpful restaurant though, as long as it pays... really wouldn't have wanted to eat that pasta if I was him though... and was expecting it still being alive to be the pun at the end but: glad it wasn't! Good stuff.


Hope the kids aren't watching this one. XD Really took the humor to a level I somehow doubted these cartoons would go... not bad, just, hmm, well it doesn't feel like Pencilmation style. More Happy Tree Friends than harmless good old fashioned fun, even if the combination of harmless/blood is probably what gives it the (just like the aforementioned series) uncomfortable impression it gets. That creator doesn't seem all so benevolent this time either... good stuff, though.


So the house... was really a tree! :D Nice twist. Conclusive. Great ideas in this one overall, and I like the creator seems to be trying to help out too; the main character messing things up all on his own accord. The harmless kind of humor! Good stuff.


So that's what happens when you drink that amount of coffee! XD So clean presentation of it all, and no fighting between pen and pencil character either... just that harmless (well maybe not for him) coffee craze. Though he's bound to find out about the side-effects soon enough. Good stuff.


Must be that Killer Ant kind from Africa! XD Nice one. Once against also incredibly smooth title card!


Well that was a trip! A lot of those scenes felt longer than they needed to be but... in the end I'm... enjoying the music! Do feel the rest of it could either have moved faster, or shown a bigger picture. More to look at in each scene might make it feel like they moved a bit faster than they did... background animations, like. Birds outside the window. Something. Refreshingly random and powerful otherwise but yeah... it took a while! Seems things were left simple since it is indeed so long.


A pretty entertaining Game Grumps sketch! Animation moves just as fast as the voices do too. Good stuff.


Myroninja responds:

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed watching, your feedback means a lot!

Seems there was a phase when the intros were at their most stylish! And this feels like the pinnacle of those. Wish it would've kept on that way! :) Good animation as always, though ends pretty flat. :P


This plot sure seems a bit familiar... guess it might be one of the ones that had a new rendition made for it later on! Wonder if it's intentional or no, a classic bettered, or an idea that just came again at random... either way good stuff, though the newer one did indeed seem a bit better.


Nice twist at the end there. XD If only the game was like this! Great hybrid, and I love the retro anime/Asian/wherever-I-get-the-feeling-it's-retro-from music that plays in the background too. Good stuff!


PoliuxDimension responds:

Thank you! All thanks to mashed, I think the idea was awesome and I only want to try to make it in my way.

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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