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Nice and simple. Smooth animations, subliminal messages (didn't have time to read half of them) all bunched into a tiny screen with Madness-colored rays of... light? It loops, too! Really simple tune, and simple animation, but fun to watch!


Another action-packed episode of pure red-blooded madness in black-and-white-and-grey oldskool awesomeness! I've watched this plenty of times already, but one more watch is never too much, keep it going!


Man this brings me back! These old madness episodes defined a whole generation, err... decade... or something like that. Series like Poninjas and all kinds of other craze popping up thanks to these ones, and still the series keeps going on and improving! The only real difference between these old animations and the new ones are really the colors and the transitions. Here, it's all in greyscale and red... almost, and there's barely any zooming in or moving around with the camera, though the movements otherwise are all fluent and creative, the blood splatters wellmade, the fights/shootings/whatever all varied. Didn't think about the marshmellow last time I watched this btw, that's a fun addition! Hope this series keeps going forever! Keep it up!


Haha, classic. I'm wondering how this would have been with sound? The idea of remastering pops in mind *hint hint*. Keep it going!


Haha, these keep getting better! More detail for each episode, and new effects too, multiple windows on one screen, zooming, shadows, much better blood, better and better! And even crazier killings than the last one. Keep it up!


Death has always been the core of NG, lmao, plenty of creative methods of decease included here! Overall much better animation than the last one too, more things going on, and the intro was hilarious. :D How about a breadman guest appearance in Madness? Or maybe there is one already? That would be interesting. if it hasn't been done, Keep it up!


So this is how the Madness all started huh, interesting. :D The screen glow blaring like a line is a nice effect, lmao, though things could obviously have been more detailed. Genius plot though, and funky sound effects for it. :)


Haha, nice introductions to the characters! You recognize everyone right away, and the zombie thumbing up? lmao, interesting ending credits too!


Nice, being a fan of the RE series especially. :) I like the way the blood transforms into a logo at the start, and the intro scene after that is just like it is in the game. Turns out the plot is pretty much the same, as well, though there are twists. :) Voice acting is probably better than the original, lmao, keep it up!


Hah, the voice really sounds like foamy! Animation style is pretty much the same as well, with the eye movement and the popping up all over the screen, though it's a bit simpler than the original. One thing that would really improve it is some lip syncing. Otherwise, fun plot! Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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