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Wonder a commercial like that would work in real life.... and though it's a fun short, it's a sad truth, here they're handing out ipads for free in schools, everybody has one! If someone doesn't... O_o Keep up the good work!


NedelchoBogdanov responds:

Thanks all of you!

Haha, well that was random! The song turned out surprisingly catchy, the voice acting's just great, as is the fluent animation, and it moves at such a pace there's not even a remote possibility of boredom. Fun run!


Cycon responds:

I'm glad you liked it, we had trouble getting the right energy since we're reinventing it, but the positive feedback keeps me alive! Thanks! lol

lmao, I know why I never learned the periodic table now. :D This is a fun idea for a collaboration, simple shorts, though they're surprisingly long for such quickly made animations. And some Tenacious D in the mix too, nice! :D


I'm looking forward to more of these! I wouldn't mind a lack of animated shitstain, but apart from that these are all great, first one would've made more sense if the guy was literally blown away though, as it is it seems like... he might still shoot the dog. :/ Keep it going!


MisterHerbal responds:

Thanks for your awesome feedback as always cd. :) you cracked me up with the ''lack of animated shitstain'' hahaha. You're also right on the first one. It could have had a better execution with the guy.

Awesomely creative showcase of all but shitty animation or piano play, though the last one did get pretty chaotic. :D Mixture of real filming and animated effects is genius, need to start watching more of these. I wonder if the hand-drawn paintings are yours as well, and if they were made specifically for this animation? Seems like a lot of effort and time went into those... as with everything else. Keep up the great work!


intestines responds:

All those paintings I used are part of my school portfolio, I just put them in the film cus i thought they would be fun(and it sure as hell was!). I started animating about 2 weeks before the deadline, so i kinda had to work hard on it lolz.

Thanks for your review!

So this is what these videos looked like before they took a turn for the styleful advicing... twas pretty good! Not the most inspiring set of characters, but plenty entertaining. I'll keep watching as long as you keep posting. :P Keep it up!


This was a different kind of stick fight, lmao. Great narrative! Mighty music! Fluid animation! The story of Tom AKA The Pickledipper, worlds hero. Can't think of a greater weapon btw. Keep it going!


Haha, another good one, first piece this New Year and it's an extended edition about the trials and tribulations we all face in life. I shall take your advice, wise man, and chill out every once in a while between overambitious streaks of efficiency. Keep up the entertainment!


Cheetoes are difficult for everyone. You are not alone! The life of a Cheeto-eater can be harsh and cruel sometimes, but we must persevere! Even when old ladies carrying a bundleful of kitten abundance fall into a deadly crater. Thanks for an entertaining animation!


What a twist, what an unexpected end to such a majestic journey! Great to see the LL makes it into the New Year too, keep it going!


SavvyOverDog responds:

You know it!

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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