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Such a cute parade! :D Misread the title completely and was expecting something related to the paddle-based game with similar name, but this was a nice surprise... the parade just keeps growing too! Though the characters are looped there's still plenty of variation in their long walk, odd ones stand out entertaining. :)


Classy music, colorful stick-figure contours... and then that happens. XD Disturbing and charming all at once, not sure which one to settle for... it reminds me a bit of Happy Tree Friends, of which episodes always left me in a similarly dubious state... either way nicely done. Props on surprise.

Happy Valentine!


Enophano responds:

Thank you!


Woah this was beautiful! Not just the detail in scenery but the ambience in character movement... it's a whole other world. One far apart from the gray one in which we live. Imaginative, bright, inspiring... the only parts that feel somewhat off are the walking animations, where his whole body doesn't really seem to be in the 'motion'.

It builds up awesomely before the final scene, and ends at just the right moment... I get the impression that the full film might be a bit slow, but this glimpse... fantastic! Hope it is as promising as it seems like it might be!


Unexpected Tom FUlp cameo! :D Woo! Entertaining little sketch, even though you forgot to write the en

Recognize that nostalgic loop in the background too! Though no audio credit on the side? Good stuff.


2002? 2008? 1994? 1995? Getting mixed messages there but I doagree with the AWESOME part! :D Now this is what this is all about. Love the style. Perfect music too.


SuperColoroid responds:

Thanks you liked it!
Truly I did the cartoon on 2008.
Now I added the Pico fight at starting (a "lost" animation test of those year as well), I added this music... and it seems people like it more than the old one.

Looks like he's just waiting for a bird in that final scene... in such a cool breeze, love how it sways! Sunshine and summer sensations coming through...the overall sketch was short but entertaining, not spectacular, but I really like the animation and voicing. Feels unusually polished. This could become something!


Hey, a fellow Swede! :D Gotta love the theme, and part from that the animation's great, simple but smooth - with gradient backgrounds that sometimes seem an unnaturally detailed contrast. It's all easy to follow and fun to watch, though the music... feels a bit strange. Experimental like the genre. It's uplifting music, but at the same time it really doesn't feel like anything that'd relate to 'Vikings'. I'd picture something a bit more fast-paced and ferocious, or pompous, or Norse... basically just something very different. It doesn't sound like your traditional intro music either, which maybe breaks the impression of this as an intro. It feels more like a teaser, or prelude, until that final traditional trademark splash. :)

Would love to see more Vikings, though! Nice work. And interesting read on the process behind it.


Skogur responds:

Tackar! Didn't think there were that many Swedes around here. ^^

It stated off as an intro but then as we dragged out some scenes and put in sound effects it sort of turned into a different thing as just as you mentioned. The music got a bit more, um playful? than I first had imagined. I told my friend who was in charge of it (who really hasn't made that much stuff before this) to mimic the opening of an anime called "Slayers", which didn't turn out that great, so after that I just told her to make her own thing. I'd imagine the sound guys did a lot of trial and error just like I did.

Anyway, I'll see what I can come up with next time, and thank you for such a detailed review! It was really hard for me to put into words what was off with the music for example. ^^'

Classy stick figure action at its best! :D So fluent; so full of ferocity and moves. The background's not left unscathed either. Everything plays a part. Everything breaks down but the main glitch and accompanying music. :) Great work, though with so much background imagery and character... feels like there could be some kind of story to this, too. It does gain one towards the end, but missing one at the start: shows the humble beginnings. Gotta love the unexpected end too. XD


Not sure what happened at the end there, just floating around in space... but until that point it was going pretty good! Entertaining. Also wonder who claimed that kingly title on that one planet hmm... nice work.


WhatdayRyan responds:

This video was made for YouTube, the floating at the end is when the subscribe and video suggestions would appear

Expected end as soon as you see the new device... but still just perfect. :) Appreciate the length of this one too, seems to be back to the more suitable, conclusive scripts! Though how that water all drained away hmm... bit a missing piece there.


Bamboo Shoots!

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