
13,874 Movie Reviews

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Still a classic! Still amazing! Still a perfect loop! :D Those days...


Another massive work of Madness! Varied, witty at times, violent of course... and most of all impressive how much content you keep putting out with these. Great work all!


Something about... birthdays in that outro? Entertaining sketch, and considering how far calculators have come these days... who knows really. O_o Props on totally unexpected ending twist! Life's a game innit.


So he's a werewolf, huh. :P The voice clips a bit at the end there, but pretty entertaining sketch! Definitely recognize the script... sort of. :) Nice homage.


An inspiring and powerful mixture of animation and music! Beautiful work.


BestofNesia responds:


Definitely a creative way to present the issues! I like how suddenly the characters shift form, the different settings, the odd form of the cube, the psychadelic, chaotic or painful music... it really builds up a sense of discomfort, and such a different setting with each scene. Not just claymation but painting too, and sound effects for all motion... must've been an incredibly amount of time put into this.


So... he suddenly morphs into a whole new character? Reborn, with not even a scar? Or another character teleported into his place...? Doesn't make much sense that part, but maybe it's a part of a bigger plot... good action, but script: don't really follow.


Seems like it really is the size that matters after all. XD Sad ending but yeah... well-presented! Was expecting a twist on how the heart was actually his actual heart, but this was a lot better than that at least...


Chixman responds:

Haha good idea I never thought of it that way about his heart being the actual one. That is one twist I never saw.

I made this animation on a whim and it's funny how a rushed 90 sec video I made got Daily Top 5 compared to a well-planned 11 min video I made in 2 months which never got any attention at all (But it sparked my Youtube channel so it's not all bad).

He said run... and then he's just hovering there! XD

Cool way of incorporating the credits, and multiple subtle mentions of the Quest Quest name, within the end of the movie like this... it's a pretty entertaining sketch overall. A stereotypical contrast between the main two characters, but that's what builds the bond/makes for the clashes after all. Can't think of much constructive to come with... animation looks good, the voicing's good, the script if something is somewhat expectable until the credits, but not bad either.

Would like to see more if more is to be made!


Best Quest/Guild/Adventure-based animation I've seen in some time! :D I like how everyone wins at the end. The joke's on all of them. The entertainment's easy to accept. No casualties. The dragon stands strong in the face of their defiance too... overall it's just one long dialog session packed with wit and... harmless violence? Love it. Great animation, voicing and all.


mattyburrito responds:

Means a lot man thanks for watching! Hoping to make more!

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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