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Well at least the ending was a totally unexpected one! The animation quality was... not perfect, but not bad either. The way the Pharaoh was drawn made me think a bit of Iron Maiden, like some of their cover art. Voice acting and sound effects were on another level entirely, and in the end... it was an entertaining two minutes wasted, even if that plot took a turn for the totally unexpected.


Waskus responds:

Very kind words man. Actually I remembered some old Maiden covers when I "designed" Mr. Pharaoh, funny enough. And ye, the ending is dissapointing and not as funny as it was in my head. Made mainly to save time so I could get this project out of my head and to put a methaphorical end to my short-lived animating "career".


A surprisingly elaborate backstory at the beginning! A few moments in it feels like I've seen this already... and looks like I had! :D At least in part. Now with subs it's definitely a lot easier to follow, the visuals are still great but with added understanding it all makes a lot more sense too. Shame about that joke-telling alien though, all he wanted to do was entertain his fellow traveler... looking forward to the second part! Seems like it'll be on a whole other planet. :)


CatcubeTV responds:

Thank you very much Cyberdevil! I am working on the next chapter, It will take me a few months to finish it.

Seems like everyone loves that guy. XD The other kind of love, of course... an honorable end though that king received, after all was said and done... for a moment I thought the knight might try to kill him a bit quicker, but no need for that. Good sketch. Bit much clipping with the audio though.


meatcanyon responds:

Yeah my shit mic is now replaced. Glad you had a giggle tho m8

Well that was awkward. XD Guess this is what happens when kids games are played by people outside their intended base of players... good sketch.


A solid video for an awesome song! :D Animation overall's great, though it feels like certain parts of it are lost on potential to sync with the song. When the robot flies away, when he's hammering, when they're running, various blasts and happenings... it feels like a lot more of those things could follow the drums or melody a bit. Overall it's great, but I'm missing that sensation that it all just flows with the music.


She's really becoming less and less like a stick figure and more like a full-bodied woman. XD Not really seeing the peril with the pants in particular here, seems more like a certain bouncy body part, which sort of takes away the potential pun from the title but... other than that it was a fun sketch! For a moment there I was thinking he'd lose his eyes again. :P


Enophano responds:


So genius. XD It's sad but... I can't help but still clap my hands for some reason! Bravo.


Blue guy apparently really doesn't know how the world works yet. XD But... he's learning fast! Already learned you have to take to get! Yet there's a price to pay always. Good sketch.


The sword does look a bit off, and the impact not all as impactful as it could get, but I like how you initiate the movement with the lines all set in motion like that. That part: perfect! Practice makes with the rest! ;)


Galehad responds:

yes i didn't quite understand how impact frames worked and thought throwing bootleg kill la kill stars was good enough

For a practice animation this was actually really smooth! I'm thinking for things like the final scen3e it'd look good if the character was moving, if ever so slightly, just to give a sense of 'life'. Just 'breathing' type of motion - torso moving up and down a bit. The action overall comes across nicely!


Galehad responds:

my idea was that the last scene would have the camera pan out with a sound clip of a japanese va saying something edgy but i lack the editing skills

Bamboo Shoots!

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