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The character selection all seem so familiar... turns out it is a series I've been following after all! The combination of title and trailer made it seem like it'd be the start of something new, but anyway, was a lot of fun presented this way, feels more fast-paced than the actual animations like this, even if it is just a trailer; test to music. Good watch!


mattyburrito responds:

Thanks man if that other series you were following was called Best Quest, then we're the same dudes who made it. Just now under full creative freedom :) Thanks for watching!

Looks exciting, great graphics, pompous music... but I was really expecting it'd be a bit longer! Feels like the trailer is over just when I've finally immersed myself in that mighty melody, starting to take in the atmosphere. Keep it going!


Hexjohn responds:

Thanks a lot, I'm glad you liked it!

lmao, pretty entertaining Game Grumps short! Nice work.


lol, a nice comparisson between the old and new! Though is one sitting in the armchair really the one who jumps back just 20 years, to a time of Pacman and older consoles? Main character looks the same in both scenarious, but the old man looks like he grew up in a time before games even existed... also, newer consoles aren't as troublefree as they're hyped up to be, could put in some puns of Internet Connectivity issues, batteries running out, scratched discs, download times, etc. ;) Cartridges ftw! Anyway, fun watch.


A nice continuation of the saga! That shootout scene was most impressive, as is the rest of the animation. Nice atmospheric effects, filters (like the rain/the force field on the cell bars - though I didn't realize it was a force field at first), and if I'm not imagining things there seem to be some added outlines as well, on faces, etc, anti-aliasing maybe the technical term for it? Looks good! I'm eagerly awaiting pt. 3.


lmao, how do people even live?! Funn stuff, with an interesting mixture of animation styles here: 3D backgrounds, photo weapons, and normal animation for the rest of it. Looks a bit odd, but considering the scenario is also a bit odd, it seems to work all the better! Good entertainment.


Starktoons responds:

Yeah I went 3D nuts

lol, that was random! And no I haven't actually considered that all brownies are actually one brownie, but now that it's said... it all makes sense! Entertaining bout of random scenarios; jokes. Plenty of creativity collected in one episode!


I like the lyrics as much as the animation, the music too, though vocals feel a bit overrun by the instruments! Not relevant to the graphical part of it all of course, but that's the one thing that strikes me as potential to improve. Everything else was great! Nice music.


Ehh that was... somehow not that entertaining. At first it felt like educational conversation more than an entertaing one, then it kinda... spirals off a bit. The animation's not bad, but the script/audio... it's just not very intriguing IMO. Maybe would be if the stores they refer to were ones I knew about, if there's some inside joke there. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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